It’s been awhile since I have talked to anyone at the beach and going on line to the newspaper brought back sad memories of the days when this time of year was when mother came to the beach for the 50’s dance and Crab Festival. Mother started her journey home to meet Sam on May 21, 2012, the fourth anniversary of Sam’s passing. She completed that journey the evening of May 22. Dad, who lived at Wildwood, Texas followed on his 94th birthday, Sept 4, 2012. It has been a very hard year. I have been trying to get a copy of Sam’s death certificate from Texas but not having much luck. I don’t know who the coroner was there but thought that office might help me. I tried to get it on line but kept getting kicked off and had no luck talking to a live person on the phone.
I missed coming to the beach every year and talking to people that knew the family. If anyone would like to get in touch my email address is good. If you can give my any ideas about the certificate I need I would appreciate it.
Thank you, Linda