A Hurricane Evacuation Route Analysis study to address SH 87 at SH 124 was provided by LJA Engineering in early April. This included the section of SH 87 from Rollover Pass to SH 124. Here is a summary of the consultant’s recommendations: (1) Raise the elevation of SH87 to approximately +7.1 to +7.5 feet from east of Rollover Pass to the intersection of SH 87/SH 124; (2) Realign the eastbound lane of SH 87 to SH 124; (3) Construct rock revetments; and (4) Elevate the existing beach access crossings and building beach nourishment.
The estimated costs for raising the roadway, realigning the eastbound lane and rock revetments is approximately $14M. TxDOT will need to work with the appropriate federal agencies to comply with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and the environmental compliance process for state projects. TxDOT anticipates the project could be ready for letting as early as mid-2017 pending the availability of funding.

Realignment at SH-87/SH-124 interchange

Example of rock revetment
TxDOT maintenance crews have completed the installation of concrete barriers at SH 87, near the intersection with SH 124. The installation is intended to minimize wave action that washes over the roadway and deposits sand and debris.
TxDOT Maintenance crews will continue to monitor conditions along SH 87 at SH 124 especially during times of high-tide to make sure the road is clear of debris.
To request a copy of the LJA Engineering Report, please contact Grant Raines, Grant.Rains@co.galveston.tx.us