This is a static archive of taken on October 30, 2024.
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By Georgia Osten
One of my favorite seasons for many reasons. One being our pool! Most of the time, it may be a little too warm, but after a rain, oh my goodness! How refreshing! On the days it’s a little too warm, you can almost take a nap while you’re floating around out there. Obviously, the hot tub isn’t used much this time of the year. We made the decision to sell it, and we even had a buyer, but at the last minute, we decided to keep it. Our reasoning, the kids love it in the Fall & Winter. Our young adults love it too!

Another reason Summer is my favorite is the produce available. This week, when I went shopping, I came home with more peaches, navel oranges, a cantaloupe and of course, grapes, red and green. The bad thing about all these fresh fruits is the fruit flies. That’s okay, I think we can eat everything before they do.

Every Sunday, after church (in Galveston), we go to the farmer’s market on 33rd. It opens at 9am, so we have time to go out to breakfast after church. I’m always afraid Magnolia Farms will run out of tomatoes, but she brings plenty. It’s a little pricey, but the taste of those homegrown tomatoes is to die for! Last Sunday, I also bought a mess of green beans and a basket of okra.

We tried our own garden before, it was huge, and I couldn’t keep up with the maintenance. This is the next best thing. Let someone else tend the garden and we’ll enjoy the bounty!

If you’re ever over to the island on Sunday, take Broadway to 33rd, hang a right and go down about 6 blocks, The market is on the left. Nice folks. I’ve seen some of our Peninsula neighbors over there, one in particular goes for the fresh baked bread. There’s local honey too.

Oh, bring your own bag to carry your stuff home, the vendors appreciate that!

bon Appétit

[GO: Jul-16-2024]

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