This is a static archive of taken on October 30, 2024.
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The Big Chill

Georgia's Sand BucketBy Georgia Osten
I’m exaggerating of course. I’m really getting in the mood for Fall. I have more energy and more desire to get out to begin cleaning up after Summer. The front garden for instance. Right now, the sweet potato vines have taken over, the variegated ginger is out of control and in need of thinning. The main thing that worries me is what’s been living in there, protected from any human harm or tampering. I think I’ll wait until the cool weather comes along and begins to clear out a few things naturally. Along with that, maybe any critters living in solitude will decide to vacate as well.

Along with the season changing, the family is beginning to think of all the fun Fall/Winter events we’ll share. First of all, PawPaw will go to Tampa to be with the kiddos while their parents go to a concert in Connecticut of all places! I’m having the girls over for a long overdue game of Mexican Train, penny a point, I hope they come loaded, I’m ready.

We’ve made plans for the Nutcracker Market in November and a wine fest in Kemah the weekend after. Never been to the wine fest, but we haven’t missed a Nutcracker Market in probably 10-20 years. I’m still able to keep up thank goodness. I wonder if they’ll still invite me when they have to push me in a wheelchair? We’ll see.

They already spoil me like crazy at the Market. My oldest daughter will carry all my bags of goodies out to the car for me. Good news, the Tampa girls will be joining us and our newest crew from San Antonio, not to mention Mel and Barbara. We tailgate you see. We get to park really close to the entrance of NRG. We all bring goodies for breakfast when we arrive and lunch later on when it’s time to take a break. All the fixin’s.

After the Market, we have plans to spend Thanksgiving in Indiana with the oldest Grands. Emma & Grant are going to be very busy doing the Thanksgiving shopping before we arrive. Can’t wait to see them and play games the entire weekend.

Hope you all have grand plans, that’s what we thrive on, the NEXT TIME we get to spend time together.


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