This is a static archive of taken on October 30, 2024.
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Time with Family

cbyusBy Charlotte Byus
For the last few weeks, RR and I have spent time in Pearland with our first born, Chris, and two out of three of her children. We leave here on Thursday and come back on Saturday. We work on Sunday. Dianne always has projects, small and large. This time it was to put the water fountain together and put up lights on the patio. We came in on Thursday because the traffic on the Gulf Freeway is lighter than Friday, plus Di is off on every other Friday. She and I spend most of our time gardening and playing in the flower pots. She buys baskets of flowers to go into her iron baskets and I get plastic pots that will not rust on the beach. There is always mulch to put out, bushes to trim and a weed or two. I love every minute of my time with dirt on my knees and hands.

Chris and RR get along very well and at times they are two funny. Mutt and Jeff, Laurel and Hardy, take your pick. Di and Chris wanted to put the fountain in a whiskey half barrel with a plastic liner, off we all go to the box store. Of course, Di knew what she wanted but there were Great discussions on which one and the kind of liner for said barrel. I looked at plants and pots during this time, no need for a mother-in-law suggestion. Decisions made and off we go to the plumbing department for parts to make the fountain work, you know L pipes and stuff. Once again, I am off to the paint department to see what they have in what I call “the bent paint area” – you know the mistakes in mixing colors. I have come up with some great paints for pots and stuff.

Meanwhile, back in the plumbing department, they are missing several pieces. Big Store will have it. So they start putting things together and making decisions on where this fountain will reside on the patio.

Meanwhile, back at the house, Di shows her Dad the lights and they start working on how to hang them. They decide stainless steel hooks, Big Store will have them.

The following weekend, off we go to Pearland. Again we traveled on Thursday, which has become Hamburger Night. Fix the charcoal just right and a beer and you are ready for the burgers and buns. Put the fries in the oven, slice the tomatoes, and fixings. Friday morning we are ready to start. Of course, Pearland does not have our wonderful breeze. By 8am, the sun is in our eyes and Chris is looking for that force 5 fan he has. That thing will blow you away, or at least get the sweat off you.

By the time we needed to leave on Saturday, the patio was Di and Chris’ pride and joy. Great smiles and hugs abound.

Time with Family

Thank goodness for those Grandchildren. They are still strong and young and can pick up stuff RR and I are way past trying to do. But I will tell you the truth, come Monday after working in the yard and patio for two weeks, we know how old we are. Darn….

Have a great week.
Peace and Love


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