By Georgia Osten
What a wonderful, almost full week we had with three of our adorable Grandchildren. We arrived in North Carolina on Wednesday just in time to get the six year old granddaughter to ballet, with a “split off” to get our four year old grandson to Taekwondo. Little Dax, 1-1/2, stayed with Mom to watch his sister dance. Then, out to dinner afterwards to our favorite MiCasita – a North Carolina Mexican Food Restaurant. Hey, lookie here, it’s not TexMex, but it ain’t bad.
Trunk or Treat at Daddy’s work, Fort Bragg Army Base, on Thursday night, and Trick or Treating in the neighborhood on Friday night. Grandma made the ultimate sacrifice to stay at the house to hand out candy, while the rest of the gang hiked the streets in search of the ultimate candy selection.
Saturday morning was our planned trip to the donut store, and in North Carolina that’s Krispy Kreme. So, bright and early, two little munchkins came bombarding into our room demanding “Donut Time!” Okay, so we got up, got dressed (the adults) and off to Krispy Kreme we went. After all, who can resist Krispy Kreme?? Even at 6:00 in the morning??
Later there was a Birthday Party to attend, then we rushed back so Grandma could prepare Thanksgiving Dinner for all. What? Well, it was, after all, the 1st of November. But really, as happens with many military families, we’re not always able to spend holidays together, so we took this opportunity to prepare “the feast” and enjoy Thanksgiving together.
Sunday, oh yes, Daylight Savings. Each morning we are awakened by the oldest two. They have clocks in their rooms that have a light that turns green when it’s 6am. Well, guess what, the parents forgot to “Fall Back” in the kids’ rooms. Okay, we figured this would really be impossible to explain to them, so, 5 am was our wake up time. The rest of the day we laid low, church, projects around the house, a Photo Shoot and lots of Thanksgiving leftovers.
Our Goodbyes were bittersweet on Monday, we’re never sure when we’ll get to meet up again. And, after all, as happens with military families, this “branch” is being relocated from one coast to the other. As usual, when we say Goodbye, we’re always planning for the next Hello Hugs … That’s what keeps us going from visit to visit. Bon Voyage my Sweet Family, Til We Meet Again!
GO’s Sand Bucket is only one beach bum’s journal of life at the beach, probably something each of you can relate to. Please feel free to email me with your thoughts, visions and/or feelings of just exactly what the beach means to you.
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