Evangelist Sonny Holland
Come hear
Rev. Sonny Holland lead us in worship this Sunday morning, Feb. 5, at 10:30 AM at First Baptist Church in High Island. Brother Sonny has been bringing the message of Christ through his music and preaching to over 50 nations for over 50 years! He started out being a respected music star in the late 50’s, when Christ gave him a greater plan for his life. He still actively ministers and evangelizes in Nicaragua, making several trips there every year. This is a great opportunity to hear one of the great evanglists of our time, as he even worked with Billy Graham at one time.
Everyone is invited. A free will love offering will be collected to help support Brother Hollands Ministry. Bring a coverd dish and stay for a classic dinner on the grounds fellowship to follow the morning service.
Check out the video link to hear a small sample from Brother Sonny.
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