This is a static archive of taken on October 30, 2024.
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We need an 8 year old

GO_0324By Georgia Osten
As we sat enjoying yet another showing of Family Feud, Maezy brought the tennis ball to us for about the 16th time. It was going on 8:30 in the evening and we were both bone tired. Maezy is our almost 1-1/2 year old golden retriever. I guess that makes her about 7 or so in people life. She’s a rambunctious young lady, full of energy, especially around the evening hours when we’re all quiet and bordering on bedtime. I looked at my husband and asked if we could adopt an eight year old boy? It’s just a small request, we’ve been empty nesters for almost 15 years. We’ve gone through three 8 year olds, we would probably remember what to do.

The next day, our neighbors arrived at their beach house from College Station and lo and behold, they brought an 8 year old little boy with them. It was “love at first sight.” James and Maezy, Maezy and James. They became tight friends. They played catch, they ran, they rolled in the grass, Maezy galloped through the water-filled ditches to impress James, James laughed. Then, when we tried to get her to come inside, she went bounding through the ditch water again to show off for James, her BFF. More ditch water only resulted in a necessary hose-off and dry period on the deck.

Later that evening, as she laid across the rug, motionless and thoroughly exhausted, I asked my husband if he thought the College Station folks might let us keep James. I never got the nerve to ask them, embarrassed they might think I was silly.

GO’s Sand Bucket is only one beach bum’s journal of life at the beach, probably something each of you can relate to. Please feel free to email me with your thoughts, visions and/or feelings of just exactly what the beach means to you.

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  1. E. Tinlsley says:


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