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Welcome to ZUMBA 2016

Zumba_00By Linda Elissalde
A new year means a new Zumba class. Mary Hernandez has her students getting in shape for warmer weather with her lively dance tunes. Mary uses her time and talents to help others. She performs in and produces Zumba shows to raise money for different charities. Mary also brings Zumba groups to several nursing homes. The residents love the moves and join in when they can. In addition to these good works, Mary helps provide needed supplies for homeless folk in Houston.

Zumba is a healthy, fun way to exercise. You participate in whatever moves feel good, and you sit out the ones you don’t feel like doing. Mary is a delightful person who makes everyone think he, or she, is the best dancer in the world.


Gentle Zumba is held Mondays and Wednesdays at 9:00 am in Fellowship Hall of Bay Vue United Methodist Church, 1411 Hwy 87, Crystal Beach, Texas. So, add some zoom to your life and start off 2016 with Zumba!

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One Response to “Welcome to ZUMBA 2016”

  1. Susie Melendez says:

    Hello, my name is Susie and moving to the area and was wondering if y’all still doing the zumba classes in Chrystal Beach?

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