By Georgia Osten
And, if you don’t believe it, just join in on the The Bolivar Peninsula on Facebook. I’ve never seen a more passionate group of folks. And, yes, most of us are locals. We have actually begun meeting on a bi-weekly schedule with our County Road & Bridge Department person, Lee Crowder. Lee has taken it upon himself to be our meeting facilitator, liaison with the County Commissioner, Ryan Dennard, and just plain and simple, all around good guy to talk to. Our first meeting with Lee was last Thursday – I attended, thinking it would last only an hour … wrong!
After spending an exhausting day doing something I’m not usually doing – a half-day fishing trip out on the Bay, I sat through this 2 1/2 hour meeting. Don’t get me wrong, we have plenty to go over, and don’t underestimate me, I had plenty I say … and more that I didn’t say. The main point I would like to stress here, is that we love our beaches!! We cannot stand the abuse and complete disregard for the beauty of our beaches. I mean the litter. Sunday, I went out on the golf cart to pick up trash – 4 buckets in a 1 mile sweep. And, I mean the speeding/donuts/dune-driving of the ATV’s! Whatever happened to the fact that ATVs cannot drive on county roads, much less, the dunes? Heck, I saw one after the other driving up and down my “county” road where my house is, some even driven by children.
If you’re reading this and, let’s say, you’re just a visitor to our beaches, not a local … hey, what do you say, will you please pick up after yourselves? We live here, this beach is our “front yard.” Believe me, we wouldn’t come willy-nilly to your neighborhood and trash your yard.
GO’s Sand Bucket is only one beach bum’s journal of life at the beach, probably something each of you can relate to. Please feel free to email me with your thoughts, visions and/or feelings of just exactly what the beach means to you.
Contact Georgia Osten:
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A wonderfully productive meeting, thank you Lee Crowder, looking forward to our next. Carlis Cole