By Georgia Osten
I’ve heard there comes a time in life when you figure you should maybe slow down a bit, but I haven’t found it yet – Thank Goodness! All the preparations for company, a parade and a Super Bowl Party – oh my! We’ve had a whirlwind weekend. We invited our long-time friends/relatives down for Mardi Gras weekend. Actually, now that I stop to think of it, they have a standing invitation, they just chose the Parade. Then, of course, there was The Super Bowl, so we begged them to stay an extra night.
Mardi Gras Crystal Beach – We’re known as the Krewe de TuTu, the four of us, Vicki, Sherry, Idgie & Sipsie. My husband said, “Well, you need a King and Queen and a Ball and all the stuff that goes along with a Krewe.” Actually, we just have a queen (Vicki) and she named our team. The other three of us, we’re just the “Queen-ettes.”
I drove one of the golf carts and trying to throw into the wind was a challenge, everything blew right back at me. My left arm is still paining and my neck is a spasm. Oh my gosh though, we had a blast! We threw ALL of our beads, ALL of our candy, most of our koozies and ALL of our doggie treats.
Our Mardi Gras Parade and Super Bowl in the same weekend – it was a smash – I had to invite more people because I had so much food. I couldn’t help it, I kept seeing all the Pinterest hints of Super Bowl goodies and I had to make them all. Several of us enjoyed the Blackberry Cobbler, and Vicki found the baby in the King Cake. The cobbler bubbled over the top of the baking dish and I spent the better part of Monday afternoon cleaning the oven.
It’s all good. Family gone, and I’m on load 3 of sheets and towels. This goes out to my BFF, Idgie! Come back soon. Love, Sipsie
GO’s Sand Bucket is only one beach bum’s journal of life at the beach, probably something each of you can relate to. Please feel free to email me with your thoughts, visions and/or feelings of just exactly what the beach means to you.
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