By Georgia Osten
It is with heavy heart as I write my Sand Bucket this week. THIS IS MY TRIBUTE TO NANCY. She hasn’t been in my life too long, I’ve only known her for maybe 2 years, but it feels like a lifetime. Nancy was one of our advertisers on She came into our lives like a hurricane about to happen. So full of energy, vibrant, a smile that could melt your heart! She is the owner/originator of Sunny Times Rentals. One of her rental houses is two houses away from ours, “Serendipity By The Sea.” The house will be a constant reminder (as if I need one) – I think of her always!
Nancy was involved in a terrible accident, an accident so unnecessary and beyond words. The accident happened the last Saturday of June. We were at a neighborhood party when we saw Life Flight land nearby, only to find out at about the same time that it was Nancy they were picking up.
Oh, my friend, I won’t forget you ever – our visits, when you would bring Cash over to play with Maezy, or the time we ventured out on the beach to vent for a VERY brisk walk – I had a difficult time keeping up with you. Selfishly, I will miss you, longing for more walks and more playtime for the dogs, but especially looking on that beautiful smile, listening to all that enthusiasm. We’ll take more walks later…God must have had other plans for you, My Friend.
GO’s Sand Bucket is only one beach bum’s journal of life at the beach, probably something each of you can relate to. Please feel free to email me with your thoughts, visions and/or feelings of just exactly what the beach means to you.
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