This is a static archive of taken on October 30, 2024.
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A Fun-Packed Weekend

Most of it anyway …
GO’s Sand Bucket, By Georgia Osten
Our farewell to Dennis & Elaine was difficult, we knew it would be. It’s difficult to say goodbye to dear friends who are more like family. Like family, it’s not “goodbye,” but it’s all about plans to see them again. When you have plans, there’s no goodbyes!

Next on the Saturday agenda was Trunk or Treat at The Big Store. Always a hoot! I’m amazed we have so many kiddos on the Peninsula. Loved the costume contest! The Eagles did a fine job of planning and having it run so smoothly. I had plenty of warning this year to stock up on candy for EMS to hand out. There they were with the new ambulance and LOADS of candy. They didn’t give it all out thank goodness. There’s a lot of bags saved for the Crystaland Parade on the beach in December.

Sunday is our day to wake up super early to make 7:30 mass in Galveston. My husband thought it was Monday, so he was waiting until 6:00 to wake me. Good thing I woke myself up! After mass, a leisurely breakfast at I-Hop and somewhat leisurely shopping at WalMart. Shopping with my husband is more regimented than leisurely. It’s okay, he’s managing to learn his way around. What a trooper!

The rest of my day was fun and very relaxing. Got to catch up on my Virgin River series (and a little snooze).

Happy Halloween, BUNDLE UP! It’s a bit chilly out there.

GO’s Sand Bucket is only one beach bum’s journal of life at the beach, probably something each of you can relate to. Please feel free to email me with your thoughts, visions and/or feelings of just exactly what the beach means to you. Email:

[GO: Oct-31-2023]

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