Based on recommendations from the Beach Maintenance Advisory Committee, Galveston County beach crews have increased the number of trash barrels on the beaches of Bolivar Peninsula. Barrel stands were moved closer together to accommodate an additional 25 barrels (please note, barrel numbers in front of each of the subdivisions have changed). And for the bigger crowds from May to September, 50 additional barrels will be added to the Crystal Beach barrel locations. The summer total will be 215. A big thanks to Lee Crowder and his crews for helping to keep our beaches cleaner.
(This article published 1/12/2015)
Great news, How can we get a complete list? A few of us glean from this list to customize it to put stickers on our golf carts.
I have found several “list” out there but would like to see the Galveston County list as it is the most correct.
If you have one, feel free to email it to me at
Thanks in advance.
This is great news, Hoping this will cut down on the trash left on the beaches!!!!
Thanks Lee Crowder, painted trash cans, love the idea from Rosemary Smith! Keeping kids involved a win-win! Carlis
I am very thankful for the extra help from Lee Crowder and other Gal. Co. Officials. Lets not forget Carlis and her crew for their efforts as well. I would like to see the” on season” list of barrels as well. I LOVE Carlos’ idea of the extra barrels being painted by the school kids! How fantastic! I want to be3lieve that if the trash barrels are there; folks will use them. Fall the most part, anyway.