This is a static archive of taken on October 30, 2024.
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Ah, Life if Good

Georgia's Sand BucketBy Georgia Osten
My garden, the little jungle-ly thing on either side of my stairs, was so overgrown. If I were to step inside of it, I was sure the weeds and vines would pull me in and I’d never be found again. So, typical of the way things are done these days, I reached out to Social Media to search for a gardener. I got several responses, but what I should have done in the first place was to ask my “all knowing neighbor” next door who his gardener is. When he found Jorge’s card, he promptly sent it to me via email.

What a find! I’m so thrilled with my garden now, I can actually see what’s growing in there. I even called Jorge back after I decided this palm-looking thing had to go as well. There he is, he shows up the next day and in a matter of 20 minutes, he and one of his workers cut the nuisance out. All gone! I still worry over the lovely plants that hang out front. This wind has been murder!

Speaking of murder, I remembered a geranium I purchased over a week ago. I remember taking it out to the back deck where I was going to plant it. When I went out yesterday to check on it, the poor thing was still in the WalMart bag, desperately in need of water, and the blooms were all dead, I can’t even remember what color it was.

Today, after I finish spreading the Weed & Feed on the dollar grass again, the dollar grass that refuses to die, I’ll go out to plant my little geranium.
I think we’re going to get some rain, let it pour and get it over with. We have a Festival to put on – I can’t wait!


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