This is a static archive of taken on October 30, 2024.
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Amish Town and Lancaster and Hershey, PA

cbyusBy Charlotte Byus
We traveled to Lancaster via the PA toll road, I-76. That road is well worth the small price you pay to stay off the smaller and rough roads. Lancaster is very old and looked fun to explore, lots of nooks, crannies, and alleyways with pubs and craft beer and restaurants. We could have spent all day and night in this quaint town, but we headed out to Amish Town.

There are lots of buggy rides and many strip center areas to tour. With that being said, there is very little Amish to learn or purchase. We went through many shops and most of the items being sold were foreign. RR picked up a belt in a leather section of the Bird In Hand Center, made in China. Most of the hand good items such as table cloths, quilts and aprons were foreign made too. There was an Amish furniture store, but we have them in many Texas towns. With that being said, there were many young Amish girls working in the shops that sold fresh fruit, candies and meats. Now, for the funny, as we were leaving the towns, I noticed a buggy with driver in the drive-through at a bank. Having been in the financial business most of my life, I really found that funny. That was until RR read an article on the Bank. It seems that FDIC granted the Amish families to open a bank of community of Bird In Hand. When they started blue prints for this bank, the owners demanded that at least two drive-ins would accommodate horse and buggy. This bank was founded just a few years ago and is now worth very close to a Billion $. You go Amish!

Our next stop was Hershey to tour the factory and taste test. It was so much fun sitting at a table tasting six different chocolates from all over the world. If you think wine tasting is fun wait till you try chocolates.

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