“The Heavens Declare Their Glory.” Psalms
Clouds drifted across a brilliant blue sky. Sun peeked out behind fluff to declare, “I am still here.” Folk moved back and forth collecting food and drink. Lawn chairs were aligned. Special eclipse glasses were at the ready. Waiting! Waiting! Waiting! Then suddenly 12:22:48 AM arrived. Earth’s moon, a small black cookie, began moving across the sun. Everyone sat down. Protective eclipse glasses covered eyes. Wispy clouds played tricks floating over and around the sun as our little moon slowly gobbled up more and more of the it. This star around which we travel brings light and life, and sometimes death, to our home planet. Sun’s majesty was slowly devoured by a hungry smaller lunar object. Incandescence condensed to a small scimitar. Suddenly at 13:42:14 AM clouds burst apart to reveal: The sun had totally disappeared in a maximum eclipse. Air became colder; Day became darker. A light corona surrounded the edges of a black circle. One small red dot, a Solar Prominence, peeped out at the bottom. All were quiet.
They had to buy a red truck. Who? Dr. Melanie and Mack Wallace. Why? The Wallaces needed that vehicle to travel to Cheyenne, Wyoming for the August 2, 2017 total eclipse of the sun with son Trae and daughter-in-law Corrie. Those 2 minutes and 19 seconds of Totality were transformative. So, when the Wallaces left Crystal Beach to be near their grandchildren in the Dallas metroplex, they chose a place where the next total eclipse would occur. Melanie began her planning for April 8, 2024. She stated, “My friends thought we were compete lunatics (get it…Lunatics?).” However, marvelous husband Mack, family, and friends jumped right in to help create THE GREAT AMERICAN ECLIPSE PARTY. There would be food, games, Shades of Gray Band, reserved rooms, costumes and food! Glorious food! Guests from Idaho, Colorado, Washington State, California, Mexico and Crystal Beach, Texas responded to invitations with enthusiastic, “We will be there!”
Daughter-in-law Lana asked Melanie, “What will it take for you to consider this event a success?” She thought and then stated, “All of my kids and grandkids would be there. People would enjoy the company of others and get to know each other. Everybody would feel comfortable. Folk would either dress up in western and hippie garb, or think it was funny when others did. People would enjoy playing games and lawn dancing to Shades of Gray Band.” Everything she wanted came true.

Hosts: Dr. Melanie Wallace and Mack Wallace
Mack and Melanie provided a farewell breakfast at their new home before we headed back to our Crystal Beach home on April 9. We enjoyed a tour of the Wallaces’ well appointed house and gardens. Another pleasure to be added to our list of such a fun time.
I have had the good fortune to visit a lot of the world in my life. Many grand memories come to mind. Riding a switchback train up to Machu Pichu, flying in a helicopter over the Himalayas into Tibet, seeing the Taj Mahal by moonlight, visiting China the first year that it was open to US travel, Papua New Guinea Mudmen, and a trip up the Amazon are a few. There is always my love for Mexico. These adventures created the way I view people and cultures. However, Marcel and I agree with the Wallaces that watching 4 minutes and 2 seconds of a total eclipse was a totally transformative moment for us.

Lots of Bluebonnets

Sunday, April 7th gathering

One scalped hippie…We used to live in Crystal Beach

Party time after the Eclipse
Thank you, Melanie and Mack, for AN ECLIPSE TO REMEMBER!
Linda, You told the story perfectly, as always! It was such a fun event – and YOU made it even better. Mack and I cherish your friendship.