This is a static archive of taken on October 30, 2024.
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And The Beat Goes On

Georgia's Sand BucketBy Georgia Osten
No, I’m not talking about Sonny & Cher, but they were, admittedly, one of my favorites. This past weekend, we were surprised with a visit from some nieces and nephews and some nieces-in-law and a sister-in law. What a nice group of kiddos! I remember them as youngsters (all of them) and I’m so happy to say how delightful they are as young (and growing older) adults.

While we were in Galveston Saturday morning, we let them grab a few of our chairs and a canopy we keep in the garage. We went to Galveston for their Lutheran Octoberfest. Interesting festival and we found plenty of good stuff there. Next stop, off to Yaga’s for lunch, I was craving their Strawberry Cider Vinegar Salad with pecans and feta cheese. PawPaw had chicken quesadillas, a Corona dressed for me and a Galveston Tiki Wheat for him.

We met up with them at the beach, they had a couple of other friends with them, a boyfriend of a niece and a couple of Strake Jesuit men, friends of our nephew. Did I mention 4 dogs? Two were those beautiful herding dogs, Australian Shepherds, they can catch a frisbee in the air from a mile away!

The kids were playing a game of Moon, so we interrupted to chat. The dogs greeted a couple walking down the beach with 4 dogs on leashes. There is a leash law, oh well. The couple decided to turn around and go the other way. We didn’t say anything, none of our business.

They had a stunt kite to play with (Michelle’s father-in-law gave it to her), and the house they rented was beach front in Holiday, right next door. It happens to be the same house another couple of friends rent when they come down.

When the kiddos were done at the beach, they brought everything back to wash the salt and sand off. After showing them around the house, time for more visiting up on the deck, beverages and reminiscing around the fire pit. We were around the fire pit, but too warm to have it on.

Love family, one of my favorite nephews and nieces. Plenty to talk about, how many conversations were going on around that table?

Looking forward to many more visits. That’s why we’re here – everyone wants to come to the beach!


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