This is a static archive of taken on October 30, 2024.
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Arctic Blast

By Georgia Osten
Yep, it’s going to be Winter for a few days. I hope you’re prepared. Maezy doesn’t know the difference, so she was ready to go for her morning trip to the beach. She was already wearing her fur coat. A true Beach Lover, that girl. Funny thing, this morning when PawPaw and Maezy went to “the dog park,” our thermometer read 39 degrees. My husband put on extra gear, like the stocking cap & some gloves. They weren’t gone long, I guess Maezy was ready to take care of business. She didn’t linger downstairs either when they returned like she usually does. In fact, she beat PawPaw up the stairs and into the house.

Even funnier, an hour later, the temp was going down. The thermometer read 37 degrees. Over the course of the morning, I’ve changed out of my thermal shirt and an over Tee to my thermal and a sweatshirt jacket. Once that cold air seeps in, it’s hard to get warm again.

Last night, all I could think of cooking was chili. Happy to say, we’ll have chili again tonight. What is it about cold weather that makes you want to cook?

The house seems bigger and colder now that all the Christmas decorations are down. It didn’t take as long as I thought it would. Of course, the loft looked a fright, so I tackled that last Sunday. Packed everything away and out of sight. Of course, there’s always something forgotten. It was the new front door mat. So, I shook it out best I could and packed it in a garbage bag for the attic.

I just looked outside; it’s been raining. Great! Now, we’ll have icy stairs in the morning. Hope there’s kitty litter in the garage … We’ll see …

Hope you all topped off the propane. I remember the freeze we had last year. It was a long one and we lost power. Thanks, goodness, for the generator, until it ran out of propane. Hill Butane was out the next day, God Bless Them! Let’s hope Entergy has made positive strides to keep us safe and warm.

Don’t worry, this probably won’t last long. Don’t pack away your shorts, sunglasses and your flip flops. We’ll see you strolling out on the beach next week!

[GO: Jan-16-2024]

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