This is a static archive of taken on October 30, 2024.
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Are crabs fuller…?

I was recently invited to the Fishing Club Dinner. It’s a potluck held once a month, usually with a theme – this was “Rodeo” BBQ. It falls on a Friday, right in the middle of Lent, which was a bit of a challenge for a Catholic. I was a little worried and didn’t want to look like I didn’t appreciate the feast. Man, was I wrong … potato salad, a green salad, broccoli cornbread (gotta get this recipe), baked beans, stuffed jalapenos, some kind of corn dish and key lime pie for dessert!

What a fun crowd! The President is a Cajun – he talks so fast. You have to hang on to every word because he’s funny as all get out, “Bless his heart.”

I stuck out like a sore thumb. Even though many knew who I was, they knew I wasn’t a member. First thing someone said to me was, “The only reason you were invited is so your hosts can go first in line.” This coming from one of my biggest fans … Wrong, we had to go second in line, the Birthday Girl was first!

Our guest speaker was a Game Warden. I learned a lot of valuable information, especially if I were a fisherman, about boats, illegal limits, Red Tide, different kinds of sharks, and which ones are catch and release. I probably embarrassed my hosts by asking so many questions, but I held off from my last question. “Are crabs fuller when it’s a full moon?” I’ve lived my whole life believing this to be a fact, it’s something to think about …

GO’s Sand Bucket is only one beach bum’s journal of life at the beach, probably something each of you can relate to. Please feel free to email me with your thoughts, visions and/or feelings of just exactly what the beach means to you.

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