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Beach User Fund Meeting notes

beaches_0By William Comeaux
July 26, 2016
Goal of meeting was announced. To get ideas from the public on things they would like to see to better Bolivar Beaches for all. These projects must meet the guidelines set in the Galveston County Dune Protection and Beach Access Plan. A Power Point presentation was given that showed the purpose and history of the program, including financial figures, progress and current services and amenities that the program has produced. We asked for suggestions for our Kiosks that have been and are still being placed on the major beach access roads. They are:
1. Stay off the dunes – beware of snakes
2. Surf condition flag and key (put them on UTVs)
3. Add rules in Spanish
4. GCSO non emergency number.

We opened a discussion on the BUF funded Sheriff’s patrol. Suggestions were made to:
1. Deputy must be able to enforce all rules (already has those abilities)
2. Enforce more litter violations
3. Ask more people to pick up the litter around them
4. Work with emergency lighting on at all times to be more visible to deter violations

We discussed current projects which are Beach Access Signs on the Highway and Bathrooms/rinse stations. The bathroom project received much input. We discussed the 2 most viable options:
1. A permanent restroom behind the Crystal Beach Fire Station
2. Trailer facilities that can be parked on Buyout Lots adjacent to the beach.
Concerns were putting restroom facilities of any kind on buyout lots near residences, keeping the facilities clean, life expectancy of trailer units, costs of permanent unit, possibility of renting a trailer unit rather than buying. After much discussion a vote was offered and a majority of the attendees would like to see both of these options move forward, particularly the permanent restroom, even at the cost of approximately $400,000.

Next a discussion was opened about the Beneficial Use of Dredged Materials. Lee Crowder gave a history of the program including Galveston County’s financial involvement and the increase in costs to the county. He explained the Commissioner’s Court’s current discussions about where the County’s match should be funded from. The group was told that Commissioner’s Court would like to get input from them on what portion of the match, if any, they would like to see be funded by BUF. A lengthy question and answer period followed with varying opinions. After much discussion a vote was taken to get an overall feel from them. The options were:
a. Don’t spend any beach user fees on the match.
b. Pay only the increase in cost above the original amount of the match from beach user fees.
c. Pay 100% of the match from beach user fees.
A majority of the group voted for option “B”. Pay only the increase in cost about the original amount.
It was stressed by the crowd that they don’t want to see this happen every time the BUDM comes up without a discussion and input from the citizens of Bolivar Peninsula. They did understand that they aren’t making the decision, only giving their input.

The last portion of the meeting was getting ideas from the public on ways to use beach user fees to better Bolivar Beaches for all. They were as follows:
1. Use buyout lots for improved parking lots for beach visitors to reduce crowded parking on the beach.
2. Fill in buyout lots that hold water
3. Find alternatives for cleaning litter and seaweed instead of using tractor buckets and rakes
4. Increase frequency of barrel pickup, especially during holiday weekends.
5. Increase number of Ambassadors

Other suggestions and discussions that came up during the meeting were:
1. Look at getting blue trash bags with drawstrings
2. Make sure Ambassadors are CPR trained
3. Make sure parking stickers have expiration dates
4. Find ways to spend the money that will generate another revenue
5. Palm fronds on the beach

We announced a second meeting to be scheduled in September.
Meeting closed.

[The following are additional notes taken by CBLN at the meeting]
-Since inception in 2007, Beach Sticker sales have totaled $3.4M, with expenses of $1.15M. Current balance in the fund is approx. $2.25M.
-Direct sales on the beach account for approx. 25% of sticker revenue.
-Added services since 2007: increased litter pick-up, increased trash barrels, increased trash barrel pick-up days (currently the trash barrels are emptied 4 times per week, Keep Bolivar Beautiful (KBB) requested an additional [Sunday] pick-up this summer), increased porta-potties, blue trash bag giveaways, large info signs at major beach entrances.
-This year added Sheriff Patrols using ATVs purchased by sticker fund
-County is working with TxDOT to add “Beach Access” signs along Hwy 87 at all designated beach access roads.

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One Response to “Beach User Fund Meeting notes”

  1. Sue Softy says:

    Very interesting information! Thank you for this recap.

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