(8-30-2022) The numbers have been tallied and the payout has been delivered after a very successful 2022 Golf Cart Poker Run. On Saturday, GCPR Director Jeff Cunningham brought everyone together to announce the results and pass out checks to the schools and fire departments. Jeff began by thanking all the volunteers for their dedication and support that helped make this year’s poker run such a great success. He then handed out the special recognition awards to several of the volunteers who played key roles in organizing the event.
The total raised was well in excess of the original projection – with $55,000 being distributed to the two Peninsula schools and the brave men and women of the Volunteer Fire Departments serving Bolivar Peninsula. Many thanks go to the generous sponsors and auction donors, the participating establishments, and all the poker players. We all look forward to next year’s Poker Run!

Special Recognition Awards presented to Tracie Camp, Jim Denys, Larry & Brenda Flanagan, Shauna Schroeder, and Tom Osten

Crenshaw School, $20,000, presented to Principal Tracie Camp

High Island School, $20,000, presented to Principal Chris Loftin

Port Bolivar VFD, $5,000, presented to Malcolm & Leanne Comeaux

Crystal Beach VFD, $5,000 presented to Jose Williams & Gunner Newberry

High Island VFD, $5,000 presented to Terrie & Mike Riley