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Golf Cart Poker Run

Sunshine and Excitement at the Annual Bolivar Peninsula Golf Cart Poker Run

Saturday brought sunshine and endless excitement as the Annual Bolivar Peninsula Golf Cart Poker Run kicked off its engines. Participants embarked on a beach parade of golf carts, creating a festive atmosphere that captivated everyone in attendance. The festivities commenced at Jose’s Cantina, where an enthusiastic gathering of over 500 poker players checked in and drew their initial

BP GCPR Gives Back

(9-12-2023) Last Wednesday night, the board members of Bolivar Peninsula Golf Cart Poker Run were honored to distribute the proceeds from this year’s event. With the support of the community, local businesses, volunteers and event participants, BP GCPR was able to provide over $45,000.00 to our local schools and brave volunteer firefighters. And, for the first time this year,

GCPR-Revving Up Fun and Fundraising

(8-8-2023) Saturday brought sunshine and endless excitement as the Second Annual ‘New’ Bolivar Peninsula Golf Cart Poker Run kicked off its engines. The festivities commenced at Jose’s Cantina, where the enthusiastic gathering of over 450 poker players checked in and received their initial playing cards, setting the tone for an unforgettable day. This year introduced an exciting addition: the chance for

Big Payout from the 2022 GCPR

(8-30-2022) The numbers have been tallied and the payout has been delivered after a very successful 2022 Golf Cart Poker Run. On Saturday, GCPR Director Jeff Cunningham brought everyone together to announce the results and pass out checks to the schools and fire departments. Jeff began by thanking all the volunteers for their dedication and support that helped make this year’s poker run

The NEW Golf Cart Poker Run

(8-9-2022) Saturday’s rains kicked off the First Annual ’New’ Bolivar Peninsula Golf Cart Poker Run. After weeks and weeks of dry weather, everyone welcomed the rain and it didn’t disappoint the event. The Poker Run started at Jose’s Cantina as 482 poker players checked in with their first card in hand. They moseyed on over to Hardheads for card number two. As the game was played, the judges walked

Lions Club Presents

Bolivar Peninsula Lions Club presenting checks to Crenshaw and High Island Schools, proceeds from the annual Golf Cart Poker Run held earlier this month. (8-26-2019)

Poker Run Fun

(8-5-2019) The 7th Annual Bolivar Peninsula Lions Club Poker Run went cruisin’ by on Saturday under a beautiful Texas summer sky. The weather was hot and the carts, participants, and supporters were out in full force. The golf cart entries exceeded 230 with well over 500 poker players registered. Decorated golf carts gathered at Jose’s by 8 am to check in and receive their first card towards the

Lions Club Gives

Bolivar Peninsula Lions Club presents a huge check ($10,300.00) to High Island ISD School Board, proceeds from the annual Golf Cart Poker Run. As the motto “We Serve” suggests, the Lions Club is a non-profit organization who, through fund raising, pours every cent back into the community. (9-17-2018)

Golf Cart Poker for Schools

(8-6-2018) With the beginning of another school year just around the corner, the 6th Annual Bolivar Peninsula Lions Club Poker Run was a gambling success. The very popular event attracted 626 registered participants in 292 golf carts, ready to play poker to help raise money for the Crenshaw and High Island Schools. Registration began early Saturday morning at Jose’s Cajun Restaurant under rainy skies. By the time

Lions Club does it again…WOW

BPLC-Crenshaw-0(8-21-2017) The Bolivar Peninsula Lions Club Poker Run gets bigger every year, and so does the donation to the Bolivar schools. The final tally from the Golf Cart Poker Run held earlier this month broke all records. Over 700 poker players and 275 golf carts participated in this charity event raising money for Crenshaw and High Island schools. On Monday, BPLC presented a check to Crenshaw School in the

Playing Poker by Golf Cart

pokerrun-0(8-7-2017) The 5th Annual Lions Club Golf Cart Poker Run on Saturday had a record breaking turnout with over 630 entries to try their hand at Poker by Golf Cart. The gamblers piled into 275 golf carts, and many were elaborately decorated in hopes of winning one of the Best Decorated trophies. Starting at Coconuts/Bamboo Beach Bar, players signed in to receive a t-shirt, the rules, and draw their first card…

Lions Club deals a Full House

lions_0(8-22-2016) The Bolivar Peninsula Lions Club did it again. The final tally from the Golf Cart Poker Run held earlier this month was nearly $25,000.00. Over 600 poker players and 250 golf carts participated in this charity event raising money for the Bolivar schools. On Monday, checks were presented to Crenshaw School and High Island School. These funds will help cover the cost of school supplies and other

Another Fun Poker Run

pokerrun_00(8-8-2016) The 4th annual Bolivar Peninsula Lions Club Poker Run is gaining popularity every year, and this past weekend the carts, participants, and supporters were out in big support. The entries topped out at 244 golf carts with over 600 poker players registered. One enthusiast came all the way from Alaska. Decorated golf carts started gathering at Hardheads by 8 am to check in and select their first

BP Lions give back

lions_0By Charlotte Byus
(8-31-2015) This past week, several members of the Bolivar Peninsula Lions Club delivered the checks to Crenshaw and High Island Schools. Thanks to so many (544) people who participated in The Golf Cart Poker Run, the Lions Club was able to distribute over $18,000 to assist the children of the peninsula with all the school supplies they would need.

The BPLC tops it off again!

pokerrun_03rd Annual Lions Club Golf Cart Poker Run
(8-3-2015) The Lions Club began greeting folks before 8am at Hardheads Icehouse & Grill, processing registrations, passing out t-shirts and caps, and dealing the first card to the participants. The golf carts lined up in neat rows across the lot next to Hardheads. The Poker Run took off promptly at 10 am…532 participants playing poker (not to mention

BPLC helps buy school supplies for Bolivar kids

school_0(8-25-2014) On Wednesday, the Bolivar Peninsula Lions Club proudly distributed proceeds from the Second Annual Golf Cart Poker Run. The fun community event, held in early August, raised over $18K to purchase school supplies for High Island and Crenshaw students. Checks were presented to each of the school principals based on the number of students enrolled. The Lions Club is committed to the support

BP Lions rake in big Poker Run Pot

pr0By Georgia Osten
(8-4-2014) Congratulations to the Bolivar Peninsula Lions Club for another fun-packed successful event – and what a cause – School Supplies for our Bolivar Peninsula Youth! The party began at 8 am at Barefoot Bill’s when over 400 players anted up to play poker. Breakfast and Beverages were on hand at BFB’s. Everyone received a wristband to draw their first

School Supplies for our youth!

By Georgia Osten
President, BP Lions Club
(8-19-2013) Our Inaugural Fun In The Sun Golf Cart Poker Run was held expressly to help the youth of Bolivar with school supplies. This week, Crenshaw Elementary & Middle School and High Island ISD received a very bountiful gift from the Bolivar Peninsula Lions Club. With all the proceeds from

Fun In The Sun…and More

(8-5-2013) The Inaugural Fun in the Sun Golf Cart Poker Run was right up there with the Annual Mardi Gras Parade in terms of community effort and togetherness! This event, sponsored by the Bolivar Peninsula Lions Club, was held last Saturday. When the Planning Committee got together on Thursday night to discuss final tasks, there were only 34 registered golf carts, but they were hopeful they would

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