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Big Ships

ships_0We see them all over, especially when riding the Bolivar Ferry. Ever wonder where they’ve been or where they’re going? Or what they may be carrying? With a couple clicks, you can find out. Next time you’re riding the ferry, snap a photo or write down the name of the ships you see along the way. Then go to and type in the Ship Name in the search box. Click on the official name that appears and check it out. You will see the ship information including what type of ship it is, it’s current location on the map, and the destination with estimated time of arrival. You can even scroll down to see the ship’s last five port calls. It’s amazing to see the miles these great ships travel. From small town Bolivar in Texas to far away waters of India, Saudi Arabia, and Russia.

This is a free website with a fun way to track ships you see – an excellent learning tool for kids and adults alike.

This ship was in the Port of Houston last week, and is now crossing the Panama Canal on its way to Japan.

This ship was in the Port of Houston last week, and is now crossing the Panama Canal on its way to Japan.

[August 24, 2015]

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4 Responses to “Big Ships”

  1. Debbie George says:

    This is really neat to know. I often wonder about where they are going and coming from. Thank you!

  2. Edith Watson says:

    Thanks for the info on ships and website. I see all of these ships from our deck and wonder about the story behind what they’re carrying, where they’ve been, etc. Great story!

  3. Dick Lambing says:

    Thanks for the info. You just never know what you are going to learn at Crystal Beach local news. Pretty Cool!!!!

  4. Nancy Bachman says:

    Very cool!! Thanks for the information!

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