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Birthday month

March - Birthday monthBy Georgia Osten
Thank goodness, every Christmas, my children get together with all the photos from the year to present me with my calendar, the one that stays on the fridge. I really look forward to receiving my calendar. Not the obvious, which are all the pictures, but the reminder of birthdays each month. For instance, this month, March, there are three. Our “baby,” who turned 37 on Monday, as a matter of fact, is not nearby, but thanks to Facetime, we are blessed to talk and see each other at the same time. We watched her open her gifts yesterday afternoon. I’ll never forget her years as a teenager and a young adult. Every Spring Break, she would go off on a journey with her friends. I can’t tell you how many birthdays we didn’t spend together. “Mom”, she would say, “I can’t help it you had me during Spring Break!”

My 10 year old granddaughter also shares March as her birthday month. I received many ideas for gifts, and believe me, I won’t make the mistake I made at Christmas. Whenever we travel to North Carolina, the kids expect an “Airplane Gift.” Even if we drive, we need to have an arrival gift. At Christmas, it was a pattern and fabric she and I would sew together during the Christmas vacation. Boy, did that ever go over like a lead balloon! Never again, will I imagine something like that will suffice.

March - Birthday monthAnyway, this birthday will be really special (I hope). One of the things on her list is a horse. REALLY?

I asked her Mom if Amazon delivers horses. Well, along with her American Girl outfits, there WILL BE A HORSE.

One more birthday this month – 4 year old Pierce Thomas. Anything Astros and Paw Patrol. We’ve got that covered!

April, the twins! Can’t believe it’s already been a year. Then, May, 3 more birthdays.


GO’s Sand Bucket is only one beach bum’s journal of life at the beach, probably something each of you can relate to. Please feel free to email me with your thoughts, visions and/or feelings of just exactly what the beach means to you. Email:


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