This is a static archive of taken on October 30, 2024.
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The Mermaids Cheer Squad

Mermaids Cheer SquadThe Peninsula Sports Park is getting ready for the second season. With more players and more teams, PSP will provide an exciting lineup of youth baseball games this Spring. And new this season is the “Mermaids Cheer Squad” set to perform at every game and bring extra excitement to the players and the crowds. The Mermaids is a group of 19 young ladies, ages 4 to 14, training under the guidance of cheer coach Emily LaRue. At practice on Saturday morning, the Mermaids were treated to a couple of surprises. First, a guest cheer instructor came to practice to help teach the group several new cheers. Angela Wilson teaches cheer and gymnastics at Beaumont Gymnastics Academy and is a new Bolivar homeowner. She teamed up with Emily to teach the girls cheers like “Y-E-L-L Everybody’s Here So Everybody Yell” and “2-4-6-8, Who Do You Appreciate”. The Mermaids are learning to deliver their voices loudly and enthusiastically…all the while waving their pompoms to the beat.

Then, after practice, representatives from Keep Bolivar Beautiful presented a donation from an anonymous sponsor to the Mermaids to pay for uniforms and supplies. And, KBB gave each girl a t-shirt and named them KBB Junior Ambassadors. What an awesome start to a season of cheer!

Mermaids Cheer Squad

Angela Wilson and Emily LaRue leading the new cheers

Mermaids Cheer Squad

The Mermaids are learning to deliver their voices loudly and enthusiastically

Mermaids Cheer Squad

Keep Bolivar Beautiful presented a donation from an anonymous sponsor to the Mermaids

Congratulations Mermaids! We can’t wait to see your smiles at the baseball games.


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