By Linda Elissalde
HOSPICE CARE TEAM, INC. (HCT) Administrator Dr. Joe R. Chapman, DHA, RN keeps up with Bay Vue Methodist Church’s activities. HCT’s myriad services include providing what is needed wherever patients are spending their final days. Pastor Valerie Hudson asked how Bay Vue Methodist Women (BVMW) could contribute. Dr. Chapman told her of the need for blankets, pajamas and socks. Many folk are lacking in these fundamental items. BVMW decided on a plan for Bay Vue Methodist to help meet these needs.
President Elinor Tinsley shared the conception with Bay Vue congregation. January would be Blankets Month; February, Pajamas Month and March would roar in like a lion with Socks Month. BVMW’s goals were 100 blankets, 50-75 pajamas and 100 pairs of socks. Pat Tinsley constructed a huge container placed in Fellowship Hall for storing donations. Elinor announced Sunday, January 28th, that we had 94 blankets. People quickly donated so much money that the goal of 100 blankets was met with enough cash left over to purchase pajamas for the February collection. Dr. Chapman arrived Monday, January 29. President Tinsley and Sandi Covington assisted loading the blankets in his car. This fine gentleman graciously thanked the ladies.
February has now arrived. Pat’s container is already filling up with pajamas of all sizes from baby to adult. There is no doubt that the February goal will exceed expectations. Many thanks to Dr. Chapman, Pastor Hudson, Bay Vue Methodist Women, church parishioners and Sunday church guests for all the BLANKETS! PAJAMAS! and SOCKS!
[LCE: Feb-6-2024]