Last week, the Bolivar Chamber of Commerce selected their finalists in the Bolivar Beach Logo Competition hosted by Galveston County. Staff members of both Crenshaw Elementary/Middle School and High Island ISD enthusiastically promoted the competition, and over 60 students of all ages participated. The entries were collected and given to the Bolivar Chamber of Commerce to select finalists at the beginning of winter break.
“We have been looking at creating a brand for the Peninsula beaches and felt a logo was necessary. This was a unique opportunity for students to have input and impact their community,” said Galveston County Commissioner Ryan Dennard.
Anne Willis, Bolivar Chamber of Commerce President, added, “I think it is great that the County included the students in the competition. It will make them more aware of the county’s involvement on Bolivar Peninsula.”

(Clockwise From Top Left) Diana Guib, 16, High Island; Levi Baur, 17, High Island; CJ Schley, 17, High Island; Jessica Richardson, 12, Crenshaw; Savanna Ritchie, 17, High Island; Nivek Silvestre, 15, Crenshaw; Jason Ortiz, 13, Crenshaw
The winner of the logo competition will receive four all access passes to Moody Gardens, courtesy of Moody Gardens’ public relations team, and the logo will be incorporated on all new signage being placed along the Peninsula beaches.
“We’re planning expanded signage,” said Dennard, “to discourage littering and encourage positive behavior at the beaches, as well as provide better directions. We’re waiting on the logo so we can use it on new signs.” A new Bolivar Beaches webpage is also under development by the Galveston County Information Technology Department, and the logo is expected to be incorporated into that web presence and social media.
The winner of the competition will be announced on January 30, 2015.
You may view the finalists through Galveston County’s Facebook and Twitter pages:
Facebook: GalvestonCountyTX
Twitter: GalvCoTX
(This article published 1/19/2015)
This is a great step forward for Bolivar, good luck kids.