By Captain Bryan Brawner
Galveston East Bay waters were returning to good conditions with nearly normal salinity levels and game fish slowly trickling back in along with some pods of bait. However, now we will just have to see what this storm brings us in the way of flood waters. At the time of writing, lots of water is forecasted. Keeper specks still are rare in east bay and there are not the schools of bait present in the bay as in the past. Gaffstops are prolific throughout the bay and beachfront now. We just needed some time to recover from the impacts of year after year of extreme fresh water intrusion.
Fishing has remained to be extremely good in far west Galveston Bay, Galveston channel docks, and the jetty/beachfront. Flounder have been good at North Jetty and I don’t expect much flounder action in the bay now. Redfish schools are still present in the bay around working birds and mud boils.
I plan to transition to some freshwater action for bass, catfish, and crappie at Lake Conroe this fall into the winter and early spring. Catfish are a good thing there! Depending on the aftermath of this latest tropical system, I might be switching gears a lot quicker. I will be running some discounted freshwater trips after I get set up. Stay Tuned!
I will put an update on the bay situation and storm impacts next week. Let’s hope for manageable rainfall levels north of the bay!
For those that have taken my class, we are in early fall patterns with salinity returning to normal levels in the western end to mid bay. However, with the latest storm, all bets are off until we can determine the impacts of the fresh water this week. Redfish were still in summer patterns in schools as we discussed. Also, check out the summer areas that we stressed for drifting and birds. Don’t forget to ask for your included updates for bay and surf fishing before you go out.
On the water class/seminars are one of the best investments you will make to further your success and knowledge of Galveston East Bay.
My offerings are nearly over for the year now. It’s about time to wrap it up until next spring. I will have some openings from now until about the middle of October.
Member-Bolivar Peninsula Chamber of Commerce

This time of year we can run trips where the whole family can be successful with a large variety of fish. Email for questions and availability. Now is the time to book an East Bay Class with the prime fishing just around the corner.
For exact fishing locations and techniques, I am conducting one-on-one classes of the Galveston East Bay System. We will spend a half-day trip exploring that bay and the techniques and timing of fishing there. Bring your hand-held GPS and a map and note pad and I will further your knowledge of the bay and patterns for fishing in all of the seasons of the year. These classes include everything from locations to tackle and lure selection; thus have a lot of content. So, I limit them to 2 persons max at a time. Call 409-256-1265 for more information. We cover a lot of area and burn a lot of gas.
Text or call 409-256-1265 for availability of trips and to reserve your fishing adventure. You can also e-mail me for updated fishing conditions and trip availability.
Check my website for prices and more information.
Captain Bryan Brawner
[September 14, 2021]