The Crystal Beach Volunteer Fire Department responded to what they assumed was a real emergency call for a car fire. The department officers set up the live training drill, unbeknownst to the other members. The call came in during a weekly meeting. Two trucks responded with firefighters decked out in full gear with coat, pants, boots, helmet, and air pack. The department’s response time was only a few minutes and the fire was put out in under a minute. Live drills like these are an important part of the training for firefighters. CBVFD’s Fire Chief Billy Shipp explains, “We want the community to know we will be ready in the event of a real emergency.”

Calling it in, a car is on fire.

Two trucks respond in only a few minutes.

Pulling the hoses, preparing to fight the fire.

Fire extinguished. Well done!

Firefighters in full gear, including airpacks.

Chief Billy Shipp and Assistant Chief Gerald Looper oversee the training exercise.