This is a static archive of taken on October 30, 2024.
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Changes in Season

By Georgia Osten
I’m excited for Fall. With the lower temps lately, I’ve ventured out on walks to the beach. With the dominating mosquito population, it’s important to try to keep up a faster pace than those little annoyances. Why o’ why didn’t Noah invite a couple to the Ark? I would call Mosquito Control, but with the upcoming storm, I doubt if they would show up. I guess we’ll just have to bear it until this next storm is over.

With Fall, comes Trunk or Treat up at The Big Store. Our EMS and Fire Departments will be out in force to be sure! I had planned a trip to Sam’s last weekend, so, of course, I stocked up on treats for our EMS to hand out. Yes, a little early, but last year, I was asked a bit too late if I would pick up some candy for the medics to hand out and nothing was left. This year, while on my trip to Sam’s I purchased 11 big bags, some of them with 400 pieces per bag. No way were these guys going to run out.

Facebook – Getting tired of Facebook, but occasionally, I’ll take a look. Terrie posted she had her first flock of hummingbirds. She’s in High Island. I went into “Hummingbird Action.” Pulled out my feeders and went to work re-cleaning them and getting my sugar-water mixed up for the two I annually put out on my hummingbird deck hooks. It took a few days before I finally saw a little male on my deck. Another day, he came back with a girlfriend. I’m not sure what they’ll do with the storm coming, but when I returned from my walk, I took them down, cleaned them again and restocked some nourishment for the little critters.

Speaking of little critters, we have been bombarded with caterpillars. They’re crawling in droves all over the driveway, carport and even up the walls of the garage. Nothing we can do, I hate to run over them, but they’re so many, it’s impossible not to. I wonder if they’re the type that turn into butterflies. I think not, I’ll have to read up on it …

The sloughs have finally resided just in time for the next session. Buckle down and get ready. This should be our last for the season. If you have a generator, be sure you have plenty of propane. Hill is coming to our house today.

Time to hunker down. Be Safe!

[GO: Sept-10-2024]

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