By Georgia Osten
We recently had some family over for dinner, sort of a celebration of Summer coming to an end. We’re all locals, two of us have very demanding jobs dealing with tourists. For those two, the end of Summer means a little R&R if you know what I mean?? For me, the end of summer means getting our beach back. Also, hopefully, a little rain would be nice. What a relief when we had that high tide last week. It really washed the beach off and firmed up the sand. A few days later, after taking Maezy to the beach, I asked my husband if the beach was still nice and smooth. Nope, donuts rutted round and round already. Oh well …
Anyway, when our family came over for dinner, my sweet sister-in-law gave me a lovely bracelet for an “early birthday present.” I was thrilled! I found out where she purchased it and told my husband on Saturday that I was going Shopping Locally! Well, lo and behold, he decided he would drive me around. Little did he know I’d see someone I knew and of course, talked and talked and visited and visited. We started out at The Salty Mermaid. Then, we went next door to bold Seahorse Society. Neither of us had ever been there and we were pleasantly surprised. Needless to say, I’ve started my Christmas shopping.
I did, as always, buy something for myself as well. I forgot my readers and had to borrow a pair at The Salty Mermaid. They were so cute; I went ahead and bought them.
I’ve stashed my gifts away for Christmas, hoping I don’t forget where I put them.
We, then, went to Latitude. Everything is 50% off! You’ve got to go! The new owners are selling everything and bringing all new stuff!
Next week, I’ll be writing you from Florida. Yep, we’re driving into the hurricane this week, we’re hoping it’s over by the time we reach Tampa.
Going to see the Grands. They’re growing up way too fast, we can’t miss a beat!
[GO: Aug-29-2023]