An information meeting organized by the citizens of Bolivar Peninsula was held on Saturday to discuss the impact on Bolivar of the US Army Corps of Engineers Coastal Barrier Plan. Azure Bevington, Ph.D, presented a comprehensive review of the Coastal Barrier route and structural details, and the environmental and financial impact it would have on Bolivar and the entire Galveston Bay ecology. An estimated 300 people were in attendance.
Below is a list of Coastal Barrier Information links provided by Ms. Bevington.
US Army Corps Coastal Texas Protection & Restoration Feasibility Study and supporting information
An overview of the study and recently released report are available on this site:
Interactive Map of the proposed location of the Coastal Barrier Levee and Gate Structures
You can zoom in and see where your property would be in relation to the levees. This interactive was put together by Gulf Restoration Network from details in the Coastal Texas Protection & Restoration Feasibility Study:
Rice SSPEED Center Plan
This is a pdf of the Galveston Bay Park Plan which would protect the upper part of Galveston Bay and the industry along the Houston Ship Channel from surge. It also includes backside levee improvements for the City of Galveston and raising HWY 87 and 3005 a few feet for better evacuation access. They mention the Coastal Barrier Plan, but that is mainly to allow for these both to be permitted at the same time and then to be able to be compared directly, with the hope that we can go with the better, cheaper, quicker SSPEED Center Plan.
Coastal Barrier Information Google Drive of all files and info
I am collecting information and media coverage and making it publicly available on a google drive here:
Coastal Barrier Information Public Facebook Page
Save Bolivar Campaign
Awareness campaign, to get people informed and let them know about the meetings.:
US Army Corps Public Comment Meetings
Tuesday, Dec. 11th, 5:30pm – 9:00pm
Winnie Community Building
335 South Park Street, Winnie, TX 77665
Wednesday, Dec. 12th, 5:30pm – 9:00pm
Galveston Island Convention Center
5600 Seawall Blvd, Galveston, TX 77551
Saturday, Dec 15th, 1:00pm – 4:30pm
Crenshaw Elementary and Middle School
416 State Hwy 87, Crystal Beach, TX 77650
Tuesday, Dec 18th, 5:30pm – 9:00pm
Bay Area Community Center
5002 E NASA Parkway, Seabrook, TX 77586
I attended the meeting in Winnie, and heard the Crystal Beach meeting was a huge success. Where can I buy a SaveBolivar t-shirt? I heard they’re available but don’t know where. I most certainly do not support this spine so I signed the online petition at It just breaks my heart to think about our treasure of the beach area being totally destroyed!!!
Thank you to everyone who helped organize and present. Bolivar is in another battle for survival, not from Mother Nature but from a potential man-made disaster. Please stay informed and vigilant. Thanks, Carlis Danna Cole
What about all the residents in front of this wall on the beach side? They have to be kidding. I am seriously opposed to this stupidity. I was not able to attend the recent meeting but I will be at all of them from now on. This is insanity at its worst. They cant even elevate the darn road enough to allow residents to evacuate safely and now a wall. Seems Galveston county wants our tax dollars but doesn’t care one little bit about our safety.
Seriously Disappointed resident 5 years from retirement,
“Lord Willing”,