Over 100 Bolivar residents attended a Community Meeting with Commissioner Ryan Dennard last Wednesday evening at Crenshaw School. The two hour meeting covered a wide range of Countywide and Bolivar specific issues, prompting lively discussion on a few of the topics. The following is a summary of my notes from the meeting. If you have any questions, please contact Commissioner Dennard.
(409) 770-5474.
County Issues
FY 2016 Budget
-Commissioners cut tax rate fifth year in a row
-reduced debt
-adding new law enforcement vehicles
-increasing county employee salaries
-hired an Economic Development Director
Transportation Projects
-starting I45 and TX146 projects
-TXDot is actively working on evaluation and design to elevate Hwy87
-Garret Foskit named Emergency Management Coordinator
-Jack Ellison named Nuisance Abatement Officer
-Deputy Constable position will stay on the Peninsula
-Ryan Dennard will not seek re-election in 2016
Effective January 2016
-Lee Crowder named Director of County Road & Bridge Department
-Clayton Comeaux named Bolivar Road & Bridge Manager
-William Comeaux named Bolivar Regional Services Coordinator
Bolivar Issues
Capital Projects
-drainage outfall projects underway
-High Island Emergency Shelter (December start)
-BP SUD Backup Generators (November start)
-Road & Bridge Building (Crystal Beach) almost complete
Wastwater Treatment Plant
-design process nearing completion
-possible construction start in 2016
-site selected on Noble Carl Road
Rollover Pass
-GLO still intends to close the pass
-County demanding completion of plans and funding for park and fishing pier before closure
Bolivar Beaches
-Beach Sticker Fund: 2015 Net Receipts-$370K, Current Balance-$1.96M
-County updating Beach Access Plan (requires GLO approval)
-increase number of trash barrels and signage next year
Beach Law Enforcement
-2016 summer Beach Patrol, consisting of 4 additional officers
-use Beach Sticker Fund to pay salaries, purchase vehicles
-still an active project, looking at options
-waiting for FEMA approval
FEMA Floodplain Regulations
-discrepancies found in county regulations, inconsistent enforcement
-county to revise
-example: 10×10 building rule is “not in the law”
Animal Resource Center
-response on a complaint basis
-enforcement based in Texas City (long response time)
Heavy Trash Day
-Friday & Saturday, January 29-30, 2016