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Crenshaw kids presented ‘Waste in Place’ Curriculum

kbb_0We all must learn the proper way to care for our planet. And it starts with our children. Carlis Cole, Brenda Flanagan, and Nelva Maxey with the “Keep Bolivar Beautiful” organization presented a Waste in Place Curriculum to the Crenshaw Elementary Pre-K through 2nd graders. They discussed various topics concerning the proper care for our disposables: Don’t Litter, Pick up Trash, put trash in Trash Cans, and of course Recycle. The students were shown a poster displaying how long it takes for trash to decompose, or “Go Away” in kid terms. They discovered that plastic takes a long time, nearly 40 years. And in further discussion and understanding, Carlis asked the 5 year olds, “How long does it take for a milk jug to go away?” One response: “By drinking it all!” Yep, they’re catching on!

Thank you to Keep Bolivar Beautiful for sparking the interest and discussion in our young minds.

Thank you to Keep Bolivar Beautiful for sparking the interest and discussion in our young minds.


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2 Responses to “Crenshaw kids presented ‘Waste in Place’ Curriculum”

  1. realist says:

    Very good! This will be good practice in preparation for bringing the presentation to Houston ISD schools. Brush up on your Spanish, ya wouldn’t want anyone to be left out now, wouldya?

    Seriously, thanks for your efforts and inspiration.

  2. Carlis Cole says:

    Thank you to Crenshaw educators and students from Keep Bolivar Beautiful for allowing the presentation of ” Waste In Place” curriculum. Our Peninsula is in excellent hands! Your friend, Carlis Cole

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