October 8
Fire Prevention. The Bolivar Fire Department will present to our elementary students during their fine arts times on this day.
October 10
Parent conference day (also an early release day). Please call the office at (409) 684-8526 to schedule conferences. Our goal is to reach 100% of our parents. Remember, it takes the parent, the teacher, the community and communication to instill success and motivate children. Call and set up those conferences, we need you.
October 10
Volleyball Pep Rally! The Pep Rally will begin at 8:15. There will be a faculty/parent and Middle School Volleyball game immediately after the pep rally.
October 10
Poison Prevention program for all elementary students.
October 15
Rachel’s Challenge presentation for all MS students. It will take place at 1:00 in the cafeteria. We are inviting the public and parents to this meeting. The presentation will last about an hour. After the presentation there will be some specific training for our MS students on how to be a leader to carry out the challenge. Rachael was the first student killed in the Columbine shootings. For more information and understand the power of this challenge, please visit: https://www.rachelschallenge.org.
October 17
There will be a public presentation in Galveston Thursday, October 17th at 6:00 pm for those who wish to attend that couldn’t attend to our middle of the day presentation. This program is for MS students only because they do show part of the Columbine Shooting videos to students.
Crenshaw is still collecting donations for the food bank. Non-perishable items needed. Please take a few minutes to drop off items at the school. Every little bit counts when you have nothing. If you don’t have time to pick up goods, you are welcome to make a donation to Crenshaw’s NJHS and they will purchase the goods for you.
We are raising funds via donations for our Crenshaw Theater to compete at the Texas Renaissance Festival. An additional $500.00 needed to make this happen for them. For many of these kids (93% of our campus is considered low-socioeconomic-meaning 93% of our students receive free or reduced lunches), this will be their only opportunity to attend something like this. If someone could help, please message me or just drop a check off to Crenshaw School. All checks need to be payable to Crenshaw. In the subject area please put Theater. -Catherine Jackson-
Fall Festival Time! Community-we need your support to provide an amazing night for our community. If you would like to donate prizes, help operate a booth, or etc. Please contact us-409-684-8526.