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“Cute” Little Scissors Made a Difference

GcountyCheryl E. Johnson
Galveston County Tax Assessor Collector
(Part 3 in an on-going series)
When encouraged to run for county tax collector I knew that without a strong anti-tax platform, winning was not an option. My cute “cut tax” logo not only effectively communicated who I am, what I believe and what I have done; it kept me focused over the last 10 years on accomplishing its promise. Although there have been many office savings that helped lower county budgets (stay tuned for Part 4), taking the message to Austin proved effective – not just in reducing taxes but in improving public policy.

Without the assistance of many at the Capitol and across Texas none of these would have been possible and without the participation of your county tax office, some would have never seen the light of day:

  • Allowing businesses to make disaster installments
  • Allowing disabled vets to make installment payments
  • Allowing Robin Hood school districts to retain funds for 2 years after a disaster
  • Allowing seniors, disabled persons and vets to re-establish installment payments if first payment missed
  • Allowing use of ship date (common and private carriers) for timely tax payment
  • Allowing tax collectors to offer low penalty payment agreements on homesteads
  • Allowing opt-out of split payment in consolidated tax collection
  • Allowing community college regents to serve on CAD boards
  • Allowing mailing of voter certificate upon email, fax or phone request
  • Enabling tax statements to be forwarded and to be emailed
  • Establishing mandatory VDR training
  • Extending time to turn people over to DA for writing a bad check
  • Limiting sales by CADs to 3 years in certain counties
  • Reduction of penalty on late disaster installments (from 12% to 6%)
  • Supporting 100% disabled vets to be tax free and establishment of voter ID

We are still fighting to:

  • Restore certifications for county TACs and employees
  • Reduce and extend appraisal caps
  • Define residency
  • Electing CAD directors
  • Simplify truth-in-taxation

In addition to the above, we have taught others how to work with legislators, written guest columns on upcoming proposals and published information on active bills on our website. Thank you for supporting these on-going efforts.

(published 11/11/2014)

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