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Dear Friends of Texas Beaches

adoptabeachIt’s time to make a difference! On Saturday, September 27th, from 9:00 a.m. till noon, the Texas Adopt-A-Beach Program is hosting the largest cleanup in Texas! Please join other volunteers by signing up to help clean up our beaches and bays. The cleanup is important for a healthy gulf coast, so help us keep our beaches, and our oceans, litter-free. Last year, we removed more than 414,000 pounds of trash. With your help, we can collect even more! According to the Ocean Conservancy, land-based sources contribute 70% of all trash found in the ocean and on beaches. The largest trash source is street runoff that fills storm drains connected to streams, rivers, and bays, which finds its way down to the Texas coast. The second biggest source of trash comes from beach-goers.

See you at the cleanup!

Bolivar Peninsula Check-in: Crystal Beach Volunteer Fire Department, 930 Noble Carl Drive, Contact: Janis Malitz 409-454-4756

Sign Up Online

A healthy ocean means more than just a beautiful coast. A healthy ocean supplies the air we breathe, the food we eat and the water we drink. If the ocean isn’t healthy, then neither are we.

(published 9/2/2014)

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