This is a static archive of taken on October 30, 2024.
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Dog Control Problems at the Beach

From: Antoinette
We spend a lot of time at Crystal Beach during the year and we normally bring our dog with us. In March of this year we were involved in an incident with another couple that was walking their dog on the beach with a leash and it was attacked by 3 other dogs. My son had to break the attack up. The owners said their dogs were secured but the fact that they attacked is proof that they were able to break free. The couple was so shocked and upset that this happened that I had to give them a ride to their home. It was very upsetting to me and my family also.

Then on Saturday of this week we took our Boston Terrier for a walk on the beach with us. She was on the leash with a collar and tags on. We were at the waters edge when she was attacked by dogs that belonged to people camping close to the dunes. She has a bloody punchure wound in her neck from the attack. Which we were told after the attack that the dog was supposedly sucure but got loose. I am very thankful that my husband was with me as he had to put a choke hold on the dog that was attacking to get it to let go of my dog. We did report this to the Sheriff’s department and had an officer come out. The offenders were issued a citation.

I would like to make a request if you have a dog that could be or is known to be aggressive please don’t bring them to a public place. Also be aware that Galveston County does have a leash law. Please be wary of all dogs on the beach as you have no way of knowing if you, your children or your pets might be the next victim.

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5 Responses to “Dog Control Problems at the Beach”

  1. concerned dog owner says:

    I too have had an encounter where is my dog was attacked while on a leash. Fortunately as a responsible dog owner I was able to break up a fight before it became serious. However, it could have been completely avoided if the other person would have had their dog restrained as the law requires. Just be responsible and follow the law. It would also help if law enforcement would start writing tickets for this. I know they have their hands full on the beach but it is becoming a norm to see dogs off-leash on the beach and an aggressive dog can be very dangerous to other dogs and to people. Please be responsible!

  2. David says:


    I am the dog owner that was attacked that you took home in your golf cart. Thank you so much for your help that day. We ended up spending $1000 in vet bills to treat the infected puncture wounds. We should also have called the sheriff but were too shaken up at the time to think straight. I hope your Boston Terrier recovers from its attack. I don’t think we ever will. We continue to walk the beach but are always on the look out for loose dogs so we can turn around. I don’t agree with Josep that “fire power” on the beach is an appropriate response. Call the sheriff and have the attacking dogs euthanized and hold the owner’s criminally liable for their dog’s actions.

    • Taylor says:

      Yeah and the send the prison for good! C’mon it was an accident calm the F down. Your talking about killing a dog b/c it had a scuffle with ur dog. Give me a break!

  3. Tuff E Nuff says:

    You did the right thing….there is already a lease law, so the problem is enforcement.

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