This is a static archive of taken on October 30, 2024.
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E-Statements Save You Money

GCTOIf you are truly interested in lowering the cost of government, County Tax Assessor Collector Cheryl Johnson encourages you to put your money where your mouth is and sign up no later than September 15th to receive your 2016 tax statement via email. Log on to your property tax account online at and scroll down to Register to Receive Electronic Tax Statements. “This feature is especially beneficial for anyone who recently purchased a property or refinanced. Many lenders request tax statements midsummer so property owners who either paid off a loan or refinanced may not receive a tax statement without taking advantage of this option,” stated Johnson. “This is especially important because, in Texas, failure to receive a statement is not a reason not to pay taxes timely. Additionally, each online statement saves over fifty cents in postage and printing costs. Those cents add up to common sense in government!”

Have a question? Call a Property Tax Specialist at 409-766-2481 or toll free 1-877-766-2284.

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