The 2nd Annual Eagles BBQ Cookoff for Charity, hosted by Eagles Aerie 3719 of Crystal Beach, took place on Saturday at Festival Park under beautiful skies. Nathan and Susan Ramsey spearheaded the event along with the help of a whole flock of Eagles’ volunteers. BBQ teams from all over (33 total) entered the competition to cook up their best ribs and brisket. The festivities began on Friday night with a record turnout at the kickoff crawfish boil where they served up over 900 pounds of mudbugs and enjoyed live music by Brian Black.
Early Saturday morning, the teams fired up their pits and the air was filled with smoke. As the meats were cooking, silent and live auction items were on display, BBQ plates were served, and the games began – Chicken Poop Bingo. Chicken Poop Bingo is pretty simple: if the chicken poops on the square that matches your ticket, you win!
The live auction started at 3:30pm with bidders competing for numerous donated items. The final auction item was a huge patriotic mural purchased by the cookoff team Nuts & Bolts for $3,000. They donated the mural back to the Eagles to be prominently displayed on the peninsula.
Judging for the ribs took place at 1:30pm and brisket was at 3pm. First, Second, and Third places were awarded plaques and bragging rights, of course, as well as an award for the BBQ Team Spirit Award. Congratulations to the Cookoff Winners!
Susan Ramsey: “We want to personally thank each sponsor, team, and volunteer plus all the wonderful people who came out to the event for your help in raising $43,067.01for the Eagles! We couldn’t have done it without all of you! THANK YOU!!”
The Eagles look forward to hosting this popular gathering and fundraiser in the years to come.

Dog Gone Good BBQ Co.
Mark Rothfeld, Lisa Rothfeld, Craig Berlin, Jaime Berlin

BoPen Cookers
Randy Kahla, Jeremy Porter

The Sultans of Swine
Don Miro

In Laws and Out Laws
Cary Dyer, Tommy Dyer

Meat Slinging Croc-O-Dogs
Doug Wheelwright

Gulf Coast Critter Cookers
Wallace Barela, Jared Barela, Bill Morrison