This is a static archive of taken on October 30, 2024.
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By Georgia Osten
Ours was a very relaxing low-key holiday. Friday was a day off, so I ventured across the pond to do a bit of shopping. My main goal was to buy more black mulch at Home D-Depot. So cheap, 3 bags for $10. Then, a day later, I read that Lowe’s had 5 bags for $10. Made a trip to WalMart, Kroger and Specs before wandering back home.

I had plenty of groceries from the week before when we had expected Mike & Idgie to come for a visit. Unfortunately, that got cancelled. Our guests had a bit of a medical crisis and spent their weekend in the ER, then a night in the hospital. All is well, thank goodness!

Our church, which happens to be just up the street from us, decided to hold their Easter mass on Sunday, go figure! What a treat to go to our own church. Quite a few years ago, our parish decided that Our Lady By The Sea would have mass on Saturday evenings, like at 6pm. Well, folks, that doesn’t work out for us most of the time, especially in the summer, especially when we have folks staying with us. 6pm just cuts into beach time, dinner time, you name it. So, we’ve been going in to Galveston or Winnie on Sunday mornings. Our favorite is Galveston. We’ll catch an early mass and then head to Star Drug Store or ShyKatz or  SunFlower for breakfast.

We decided to have the family over for dinner on Sunday night. Just a little casual get together with siblings and their spouses and a Wee One, a Great Niece, Lizzie. What a nice evening. Lizzie and her Grandmother stay with our Fur Baby when we go on a date, so they know the house quite well. After fajitas, queso, guac, chips and charo beans, most of the grown ups had some key lime pie. Not Lizzie! She knows where the Blue Bell is and the chocolate syrup. Off she ran to the freezer to help herself. Great Aunt Holly liked that idea and Lizzie ran back to the freezer to fetch an ice cream for her Great Aunt.

We discussed the upcoming wedding. Holly & Chris’ daughter is getting hitched the end of this month. A little destination wedding in the Hill Country. Everybody will be there. An Aunt from Lockhart is flying to LA to get with another Aunt and they’ll fly back together and another Aunt will pick them up and get them to Spicewood. We’re driving in on Saturday, staying at a hotel and getting to the wedding by 6pm that evening. It will be nice to see the whole gang together again.

I hope you all had a bit of family to be with. I hope every Bunny had a wonderful Easter.

[GO: Apr-11-2023]

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