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Emily & Arian

Charlotte ByusBy Charlotte Byus
Five years ago, these two met at a gym where Emily was working. The first time they met, they had a disagreement about something, it didn’t look too promising. And now, five years later they will be man & wife. They are the personification of Love, Adventure and Stubbornness. They will have fun all their lives.

Last week, I and my sister-in-law left Houston on Thursday for Cancun. Believe it or not the check in was so easy. I must say, if you are over 75, you just fly through security and check-in. Well, there is one thing good about being “old.”

Back to the love story. Emily had a wedding planner at the resort that helped all of us do our job and we enjoyed the entire four days. When we landed, we were met by help with our luggage and passage to the resort. Our check-in was met with efficient attendants, lunch and a beverage of your choice. Not too bad! We were taken to our rooms in a golf cart. Anytime I did not feel like finishing a walk somewhere, I just grabbed a cart and driver.

That evening we enjoyed “White Night.” Everyone wore white apparel. It was sporty, cool, and the food was delicious. The beverages weren’t too bad either. This event was held at the adult pool, but everyone stayed dry, nobody went in. This was our first time to meet and greet Arian’s close family and groomsmen. About 130 close family members to our 30 close friends and family. Arian was raised in Canada and moved to Houston to start his chiropractor career. His friends from school have never left him. Arian had eight (8) best friends, Em had to come up with eight (8) bridesmaids. Many of the family and friends came in from Canada to enjoy this beautiful wedding.

The wedding started about 4pm and there were dark clouds everywhere. The forecast was 70% chance of rain and it looked like we were really in trouble. I was the first to walk down the aisle with Chris holding my arm, and as we started down the aisle, the clouds began to blow in another direction. Thank you, Lord.

The kids each wrote their own vows. Arian was too funny. “He promised to be true unless there was Tiramisu.” I have witnessed Arian with Tiramisu. It’s best to get out of his way!

The ballroom was decorated in white, from the tablecloths to the roses. Suffice it to say, the dance floor for the reception was not big enough for all of us, but we made it!

[CB: Feb-21-2023]

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