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Entergy Gets Storm Ready for 2016 Hurricane Season

entergyPreparation help, communications tips available
Weather forecasts released this spring have yet to reach agreement on their predictions for the 2016 tropical storm season. But whether there are no storms, two storms or 10, Entergy Texas, Inc. stands ready to restore power to customers if one strikes in Southeast Texas. Additionally, Entergy offers a variety of resources to help customers make emergency plans for the season, along with the tools needed to stay informed about outages and restoration activities when a storm occurs. “Those of us who live in Gulf Coast states know that the chance of experiencing a hurricane strike in any given year is very real,” said Vernon Pierce, customer service vice president for Entergy Texas. “The areas we serve are prone to some of the most severe weather in the United States, from severe thunderstorms to tornadoes to ice storms to hurricanes. That’s why we have a plan of continuous preparation, annual exercises, training and action that we call ‘Operation: Storm Ready’.” The website is a one-stop shop for storm safety, preparation and restoration information.

Being storm ready first means monitoring weather threats 24/7, 365 days a year. When a weather threat is confirmed, our past experience, weather forecasts and computer modeling help Entergy form early predictions regarding the number of power outages a storm could cause and how long restoration might take. Those predictions include Entergy’s proven ability to bring in and sustain restoration workers from around the country. All of which is done with the safety of both workers and customers at the forefront of plans and actions.Assessing damage, deploying personnel to the right place with the right materials and restoring power include processes Entergy continually plans and improves, thanks to its continuous preparation, annual exercises and training.

As important as the actual restoration, however, is the company’s ability to keep customers informed. “We have an app available for either iPhone or Android products at” Pierce said. You can use this to report outages or check on the status of power on the street at your home or business.” Pierce also cited Entergy’s View Outages which includes maps of the service area, showing where outages are located and information about restoration progress. “One of our more popular communications tools is our ability to send text messages about storm and restoration efforts,” Pierce said. “You can sign up by texting REG to 368374.” The link to sign up for text messaging is

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