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ESD announces reduction in fire insurance rates

esd0By George Strong
The Galveston County Emergency Services District #2 is pleased to announce that as a result of its continued efforts since the District’s creation, the fire insurance rates for the Bolivar Peninsula, also known as the ISO Public Protection Classification Rates, will be going down effective January 1, 2016. The Emergency Services District was recently informed by the Texas Department of Insurance State Fire Marshall’s office that they had approved a reduction of the fire insurance rates for the entire Bolivar Peninsula.

The Fire Marshall’s letter said “With a split Class 05/5X, all class-rated properties located within 1000 feet of a fire hydrant or water supply suction point and within 5 miles of the fire station will use Class 05. All class-rated properties located further than 1000 feet of a fire hydrant or water supply suction point and within 5 miles of a fire station will use Class 5X”.

What this means is that insurance rates for fire protection on the peninsula should be significantly reduced beginning next year. The District recommends that all Bolivar Peninsula residents and property owners should inform their insurance agents of this reduction.

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One Response to “ESD announces reduction in fire insurance rates”

  1. Matt says:

    Some of the initial premium savings estimates are about a 7% decrease in premiums with some carriers. Of course this will vary among carriers and will also vary by amount of coverage.
    Matt Pace

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