This is a static archive of taken on October 30, 2024.
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Fantastic People

By Georgia Osten
Sometimes, I feel I’m not really too old to perform all these things I take on…that is, until my head finally hits the pillow and my legs and feet are hurting so bad I can’t get back out of bed. That’s when I ask my husband (who just laid his head down), “Honey, do you mind getting me a couple of Ibuprofen?” That’s the way it was Saturday night. The first night of the Texas Frog Festival. No, frog legs were not on the menu! The Texas Frog Fest is all about Lone Survivor Foundation, which, if you’re from around here, you’re caught up in the whole affair. The Lone Survivor Foundation is all about our Vets and helping those who have defended our country, who come back with some stress disorders and generally, finding difficulty fitting back into life as we know it.

If you happened to see the movie, which I did (behind my hands most of the time), you might get some idea of what these soldiers go through. As I watched the movie, my son-in-law was on his fourth hitch in Afghanistan. Thank God, he’s home safe now. Sorry, as it happens, I get side-tracked on my stories.

Where I wanted to go with this is how this community comes together to perform! We only found out this event was going to happen a few months ago. Fantastic people like the Byrom’s, Denise, Stevie Ray, and some 300 other Bolivarians put their heads together and formed a power-house crew of individuals who pulled off this event in a heartbeat! Two to three meetings every week, 2-4 hour meetings, these folks pulled this thing together. The entertainment was out of this world! Thanks to Nutty Jerry’s. The weather tried to cooperate, chilly, but a lot of sunshine on Sunday, praise the Lord! The food was provided by Lighthouse Charities out of Friendswood/Galveston. What a miraculous group of people!

I know there were some disgruntled folks. Please try to put on your “generous hats,” try to get involved with the rest of us and enjoy giving. I don’t say this about just anything, except that “My Cup Runneth Over!”

I’m in awe of the people of this community!! God is Good!

GO’s Sand Bucket is only one beach bum’s journal of life at the beach, probably something each of you can relate to. Please feel free to email me with your thoughts, visions and/or feelings of just exactly what the beach means to you.

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One Response to “Fantastic People”

  1. Donna Broussard says:

    Amen sister!! Couldn’t of said it better!! We had a blast and can’t wait until next year!!

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