- Rollover angler Stuart Yates night-fished with live shad to catch this nice 25inch gator speck
- David Reyes of Pasadena TX is taking home this nice flounder he caught on live shrimp
- Conroe angler John Nelson fished a berkley gulp to nab ths nice keeper speck
- New Caney angler Randy Price took this nice speck on live shad
- Dad and Daughter- Sofia Duenas with Dad David Gardner of Spring TX caught this nice 22inch speck on popping cork and live shrimp
- Louis Cervantis of Baytown TX worked an 808 mirrOlure in the cut to catch these 22 and 24 inch specks
- Briarcliff TX angler Stuart Yates fished live shad to nab this nice 26inch gator-speck
- Fish Catching Son of a Gun- Neoma Smith of Gilchrist TX shows off one of her 4 specks she caught today- a 27inch gator speck she took on a tiger minnow
- Rollover Bay Wader works the tide line for flounder
- Rollover angler Stuart Yates offered live croaker to these nice trout that ended up on his stringer
- Rollover angler Neoma (fish catchin) Smith shows off her 25inch gator-speck she caught on live croaker
- HISD student Joel Tuinones caught this dangerous stingray on shrimp - here is dad Robert netting it for the 9yr old
- Angler helping angler netting and unhooking a nice slot red for the evening meal
- Danette Krolezyk of Kingwood TX took this nice keeper eater drum on live shrimp
- Jumbo Shrimp Anyone
- Dayton TX angler Keith Platt fished a live shad to nab this nice 4-lb speck
- Rollover angler Reggie Stevenson fished a fire tiger assassin to fetch this 28inch- 8.5 lb gator-speck
- Billy Ray Hyman with this huge drum he caught and released while fishing shrimp
- It took a toe to toe battle to reel in this 4ft- 60lb alligator gar that Jeff Dittich of Friendswood TX had to hand grab to land- Jeff caught the toothy critter on a live croaker
- Surf wader Keith Platt worked an 808 mirrOlure off the pilings to nab these nice 3 to 5lb specks
- Keeper eater speck caught on the AM tide fishing soft plastics
- Briarclff TX fisherman Stuart Yates took this nice speck on live croaker
- Michele Jones of Woodlands TX caught and released this HUGE 37inch drum she took on shrimp
- An up close and personal look at Jeremy Kojac's Rollover Halibut
- JR Norris of Beaumont TX nabbed this nice 23inch 4 lb speck he caught on a live croaker
- Fellow angler nets his buddy's fish- a nice drum
- The Kojac Family shows off Jeremy's 23 inch doormat flounder caught on a speck rig while wading Rollover bay- PS- Wife Christy informed that she taught hubby how to fish- GREAT JOB Christy
- Keith Platt of Dayton TX hefting his hefty stringer of trout
- Briarcliff TX angler Stuart Yates hefts 2 of his 5 specks caught on tiger minnows
- I tried for my limit- informed Neoma Smith of Lufkin TX- but they jumped of my hook- leaving me just these 3 that I caught on berkley gulp