- Fannett TX angler Keith Elliott nabbed this nice speck while fishing a T-28
- Working a T-28 mirrOlure in the cut caught this nice speck for Chuck Meyers of Gilchrist TX
- The Huntsville Fishing Krewe spent their night shift catching bull reds, drum, and sheepshead
- Pole Sitter Scott Ray landed this beauty from the surf on a T-28
- Aaayiee- the fishin's good today- yipped Rollover angler Henri Fontenot while hefting this nice speck he caught on a T-28
- Santa Fe TX angler Charles'Neal latched on to this nice chunk of a speck fishing a T-28
- Bob Whynott of Beaumont TX was throwing a T-28 when he hooked up with this 24inch- 6 lb speck
- High Islander Jackie Bertolino fished a T-28 for this AWESOME 29inch- 8plus lb gator-speck he then released
- Crosby TX angler Garrett Smith caught this nice speck on live shad
- Eric Morrisson of Houston waded the surf with a T-28 to tether up this nice limit of specks
- Mack Menotti of Bandera TX fished a hot pink Chicken Boy for this nice speck
- Specks and T-28 MirrOlures ruled the day here at Fish Pass
- Joe Lily of Crystal Beach TX fished a T-28 to nab this nice 22inch speck
- Fellow angler nets and delivers this 6lb speck to angler Bob Whynott
- Rollover angler Henri Fontenot fished the AM tide with T-28s for these nice specks
- Anglers landing a nice speck off THE WALL
- Luis Cervantes of Baytown TX waded the AM surf with a Texas Chicken mirrOlure to catch this really nice 27inch- 6.12 lb gator-trout
- Father and son fishing team Gavin and Garrett Smith of Crosby TX took these nice trout on live shad
- Fannett TX angler Keith Elliott fooled this nice fish fry on a T-28
- Netting a BIG speck is easy for Ace netters like Mrs O'Neal
- Charles O'Neal of Santa Fe TX wrestled these nice trout from the tide change in the bridge area of the cut
- Rollover angler Steven Reed shows off his surf catch after wading with a T-28
- Fruge' Holding the leading speck as Brad Vratis give the thumbs up
- Cypress TX angler Dale Cauthen fished a T-28 to nab these 2 specks topped with a 24.5incher
- Jeff Everitt of College Station TX took these 2 nice trout on a T-28
- Kelly Amblin of Conroe TX fished THE WALL with a T-28 for this nice surf speck
- More Surf Action
- Pole sitters and standers working the surf for specks
- Pole-sitter snatching up another nice speck from the surf on a T-28
- Jimmy Byrd of Cole TX took this 32inch tagger Bull Red on a finger mullet
- Fishin Buds Jeremy Phothis and Ellish Vilaboud of Houston teamed up to catch these 2 nice trout on TX Chickens
- Surf wader O'Neal hefting up his stringer of surf specks he caught on a -BLEEP-
- Netting a big trout off the bay side bulkhead
- Rollover angler Chuck Meyers fished a T-28 for his 2nd nice speck of the day
- Surf Action
- Fellow angler netting Elliott's speck
- Conroe trout stick Kelly Amblin fished a T-28 to catch and release this 7lb gator-trout
- Port Bolivar Anglerette Nancy Talley fished berkley gulp to catch this nice flounder
- Houston angler Anthony Castillo took this nice sheepshead on shrimp
- Leon Abbs of Huntsville caught and released this gafftop
- Hamshire TX angler Steven Reed took this 27inch 7lb gator-trout on a T-28
- Trout stick Henri Fontenot caught and released this 7lb gator-trout he took on a T-28
- Kelly Amblin of Conroe TX took this nice speck while tweaking a T-28
- Linda Robinson of Winnie TX cast out a shrimp to pull in this nice keeper eater drum
- Gilchrist angler Alton Thorpe took these two nice trout on live shad