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Fishing Report & Tide Chart For Rollover Pass March 26, – April 2, 2012

By Ed Snyder/Outdoors
Summary: This past weeks action gave both ends of the fishing spectrum for anglers- as the freshwater runoff conditions finally ebbed clearing tides provided some excellent drum-trout- reds- and flounder action during improved salting tide conditions. Spring has sprung and Rollover fishing will only get better.

Speckled Trout– Incoming tides provided some excellent speckled trout action with soft plastics, shrimp, shad, and live finger mullet landing specks to 8lbs on the bay side of the cut- outgoing tides should start the spring speck action for surf waders soon – (Size and Limits- 15inches to 25inches for 10 specks with one 25incher per day when added as part of the daily limit)-

Redfish– Excellent redfish action for most anglers who used finger mullet, shad, shrimp, or cut fresh crab for mostly keeper slot reds but a few over 28inches were caught and tagged or released- (Size and Limits- 20inches to 28inches for 3 reds- with one over 28inches when tagged in addition to the 3 fish daily slot-limit)-

Flounder– Very Good flounder action for quite a few flatfish to 19inches coming in for anglers fishing the bayside bulkheads with mud minnows, shad, shrimp, finger mullet, or Berkley Gulps-(limit- 14inches minimum for 5 flounder per day)-

Black Drum- Excellent eating size drum were caught by anglers using shrimp, squid, or cut baits-( Limits- 5 per day at 15- 30 inches)

Sheepshead- A few nice sheepshead being caught on shrimp, squid, or cutbait- (Limits- 15 inches minimum with 5 allowed per day)

Sand/Gulf Trout – Very few gulf or sand trout as yet – (no limits-)

Whiting/Croaker– A few croaker in the cut but the surf is loaded with nice whiting- ((Limits-No Limits)-

Special note– For updated fishing reports go to Face Book of Miss Nancy’s Bait Camp or call 484-560-9323 —

Tides for Rollover Pass TX starting with April 2, 2012.

Day High Tide Height Sunrise Moon Time % Moon

/Low Time Feet Sunset Visible

M 2 High 3:10 AM 1.1 7:03 AM Set 3:57 AM 70

2 Low 11:25 AM 0.2 7:35 PM Rise 3:30 PM

2 High 6:37 PM 1.1

2 Low 11:47 PM 0.9

Tu 3 High 4:31 AM 1.2 7:02 AM Set 4:36 AM 79

3 Low 12:16 PM 0.3 7:36 PM Rise 4:33 PM

3 High 6:30 PM 1.0

W 4 Low 12:06 AM 0.7 7:01 AM Set 5:14 AM 88

4 High 5:42 AM 1.3 7:36 PM Rise 5:37 PM

4 Low 1:05 PM 0.4

4 High 6:29 PM 1.0

Th 5 Low 12:25 AM 0.5 7:00 AM Set 5:53 AM 94

5 High 6:48 AM 1.4 7:37 PM Rise 6:44 PM

5 Low 1:56 PM 0.6

5 High 6:33 PM 1.0

F 6 Low 12:51 AM 0.4 6:58 AM Set 6:34 AM 98

6 High 7:52 AM 1.4 7:37 PM Rise 7:52 PM

6 Low 2:49 PM 0.8

6 High 6:39 PM 1.0

Sa 7 Low 1:24 AM 0.2 6:57 AM Set 7:18 AM 99

7 High 8:57 AM 1.4 7:38 PM Rise 9:02 PM

7 Low 3:47 PM 0.9

7 High 6:49 PM 1.1

Su 8 Low 2:03 AM 0.1 6:56 AM Set 8:06 AM 98

8 High 10:06 AM 1.4 7:39 PM Rise 10:11 PM

8 Low 4:58 PM 1.0

8 High 7:00 PM 1.1

M 9 Low 2:51 AM 0.1 6:55 AM Set 8:59 AM 93

9 High 11:35 AM 1.4 7:39 PM Rise 11:18 PM

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