Sorry to say, but Ed Snyder is moving away from Bolivar, and we will no longer be able to enjoy his weekly Rollover Pass fishing reports and great pictures. Thanks Ed, we wish you well.
Rollover Pass Fishing Report
Rollover Pass is considered one of the premier fishing spots on the upper Texas coast, and this weekly report gives a rundown of what is being caught.
Rollover Pass is located in Gilchrist, Texas, on the Bolivar peninsula, approx. 20 miles from the Bolivar ferry landing. The pass was constructed in the 1950’s connecting the Gulf of Mexico with Galveston Bay to increase the salinity of the bay and give fish easier access to spawning and feeding areas in the bay.
Rollover Pass Fishing Report
Rollover Pass Report, Dec-21 thru Dec-27, 2015
When Driving Over Rollover Pass Bridge – HONK!!
To Show Your Support For Keeping The Pass OPEN!!

This will be the final report from me until February. I’m heading south to the land of the Muy Grandes. I will be posting every now and then but will be inactive for the most part.
Rollover Pass Report, Dec-14 thru Dec-20, 2015
When Driving Over Rollover Pass Bridge – HONK!!
To Show Your Support For Keeping The Pass OPEN!!

Flounder, trout, reds, all made their runs this last week, but the saddle blanket flounder never made a move; don’t know why, but if they’re still in the marsh, an arctic front may catch them and put future flounder runs in trouble. We’re winding down now with off-season banging at our doors. This next post-Xmas fishing report will be my last for
Rollover Pass Report, Dec-7 thru Dec-13, 2015
By Ed Snyder/Outdoors
This past week of warming weather trends put the larger females back on the flats. The flounder are still being caught but very few over the 20 inch size; mostly 14 to 19 inchers. We are still waiting for a real cold front to chill the waters before the saddle blankets show up. On Wednesday, the flounder limit goes back to 5 per day. Redfish have
Rollover Pass Report, Nov-30 thru Dec-6, 2015
By Ed Snyder/Outdoors
As some of you have probably heard, the Federal Judge has ruled in favor of Galveston County. This means that if we can’t turn this decision around, the State of Texas will close on their promise to fill in the pass. This will be a disaster to not only the fishermen, but Bolivar Peninsula as well. Tax money spent by the 80,000 or more people who visit Rollover
Rollover Pass Report, Nov-23 thru Nov-29, 2015
By Ed Snyder/Outdoors
Last week’s angling made the scale from top to bottom on the fishing action, and with this coming week’s cold front chilling Rollover waters, it’s on the fence as to what effect it will have on the fishery. One thing for sure though, THE CRABS ARE HERE with one 9 inch from point to point claw coming in. Redfish and drum of the
Rollover Pass Report, Nov-16 thru Nov-22, 2015
By Ed Snyder/Outdoors
Thursday November 26th Thanksgiving Day – There will be NO collections at Rollover Pass. Happy Thanksgiving from the Gilchrist Community Association.
This past week had its ups and downs with the flounder run, BUT a 27 inch by Ten Pound saddle blanket flounder topped the leaderboard. It’ll be TUFF to best that
Rollover Pass Report, Nov-9 thru Nov-15, 2015
By Ed Snyder/Outdoors
This past week witnessed a variety of quality fish caught from Rollover but the anglers expecting a major run of flounder were disappointed; problem is water temperature. The female saddle blankets won’t budge off the flats until the surface temp drops into the 50s for several days. Once that happens the long awaited flounder run of doormats
Rollover Pass Report, Nov-2 thru Nov-8, 2015
By Ed Snyder/Outdoors
Veterans Day Salute: on Wednesday, November 11th, Rollover Pass parking fee will be FREE to all active duty Veterans (Just show your military active duty ID card).
This past week saw the ups and downs due to weather, but in between the chill and wet-downs the pass proved why it’s rated as the #1 fishing spot in Texas. Plenty of flounder,
Rollover Pass Report, Oct-25 thru Nov-1, 2015
By Ed Snyder/Outdoors
The dreaded two flounder a day limit is here; BUT even more dreaded is the 2 flounder possession limit per day, which means if you keep 2 flounder then catch another limit of two the next day you can be fined for those two you kept; don’t seem right, but that’s the law folks, so be careful. This past week was good for anglers who caught
Rollover Pass Report, Oct-19 thru Oct-25, 2015
By Ed Snyder/Outdoors
Buffeting changes in our weather definitely put the summer fishing patterns behind us, especially with Mexico’s Hurricane Patricia topping our weekend. But predictions of stabilizing cooler weather patterns arriving this coming Tuesday, visiting anglers will be testing Rollover waters for the flatfish run. BUT come Sunday, November 1st, the flounder limit will drop
Rollover Pass Report, Oct-12 thru Oct-18, 2015
By Ed Snyder/Outdoors
FINALLY the tide has turned for the better as cooling winds are now cooling bay waters for the migrations yet to start. Rollover has seen sporadic but steady redfish influx runs with a steady flow of outflux runs of flatfish. The croaker have been exceptional with the much larger 12 to 15 inch bull croaker in the mix with one 19 inch croaker reported. The drum are
Rollover Pass Report, Oct-4 thru Oct-11, 2015
By Ed Snyder/Outdoors
Regardless of periodic slowdowns on the bite, Rollover produced great catches this past week with most species providing quality catches. Boxes of croaker made those family fish fries; redfish kept night-shift, day-shift and surf anglers busy with slots and bulls; flounder were being caught by the 100s -BUT- were mostly the smaller
Rollover Pass Report, Sept-27 thru Oct-4, 2015
By Ed Snyder/Outdoors
With cooling weather patterns moving in, Rollover fishing conditions will only improve with every day. As of now, the redfish run is on which will merge with the golden croaker run. Then, as the bay temp chills further, the birds will start their feeding sprees over the shrimp and trout that are migrating to the gulf. Meanwhile the flounder will start
Rollover Pass Report, Sept-21 thru Sept-27, 2015
By Ed Snyder/Outdoors
Rollover experienced an up and down week for its fishing action this past week which culminated with some sorely needed rain. This past week saw some very good night and day action for reds and trout. Limited flounder action put some really nice quality flatfish in the creel for anglers. Keeper eater drum provided steady action for the
Rollover Pass Report, Sept-14 thru Sept-20, 2015
By Ed Snyder/Outdoors
This past week saw several good redfish runs both day and night with night being better. Lots of rat reds in the cut, so anglers check your size limits to be sure. Speck action is mainly surf or bay right now, but persistent trout wranglers are catching limits to near limits of quality specks. Flounder action has slowed in cut with bay waders doing better
Rollover Pass Report, Sept-7 thru Sept-13, 2015
By Ed Snyder/Outdoors
Despite the early week’s rain, the fishing at the cut was superb for reds, flounder, and trout. Cooling temps should produce great action for the cut as well as the bay. Night-shift anglers doing great some nights but poorly on others. Redfish are beginning their fall runs with good slots and line breakers coming through. Flounder, reds, trout,
Rollover Pass Report, Aug-31 thru Sept-6, 2015
By Ed Snyder/Outdoors
This past Labor Day Weekend was a dilly for the amount of visitors who arrived, but wasn’t a dilly when it came to the fish that were caught. But, despite the inactive fishery, the Holiday Revelers seemed to enjoy Rollover Pass and Bolivar’s beacher. Prior to this holiday weekend, the reds, trout, flounder, and other species were as HOT as
Rollover Pass Report, Aug-24 thru Aug-30, 2015
By Ed Snyder/Outdoors
Good clear tides last week drew the trout in mainly on the gulf side, but eventually fizzled down to slow and slower action. Lots of bait-fish coming in with shrimp going out on the tides. Flounder maintained a good bite on the bay-side with bay-waders doing very well on the flatfish. Croaker bite slowed somewhat but should pick back up this
Rollover Pass Report, Aug-17 thru Aug-23, 2015
By Ed Snyder/Outdoors
This past week provided plenty of trout action, mainly on the gulf side after the morning tide change from ingoing to outgoing. Pods of shrimp began moving through to the gulf, which attracted sea birds, which then attracted trout hungry anglers. Most of the trout were banana size with one out of seven being a 15 inch keeper, but a few nice
Rollover Pass Report, Aug-10 thru Aug-16, 2015
By Ed Snyder/Outdoors
Excellent overall bite this past week put both night-shift and day-shift trout limits and near limits in anglers boxes. Redfish are starting to show up with plenty of Bulls in the surf and slot reds in the cut. The croaker bite was good for handsized with a few mansized croaker showing up. The flounder were also providing great action for both
Rollover Pass Report, July 3 to July 9, 2015
By Ed Snyder/Outdoors
Overall good action last week for trout and flounder anglers. Night-shift anglers did well on specks, usually from dark/30 to midnight, while day-shift anglers did well for trout on the gulf-side. Bay-side bulkhead anglers did well on flounder and croaker; lots of hand-sized croaker were boxed for those family fish fries. Surf waders had minimum trout action
Rollover Pass Report, July 20 thru July 26, 2015
By Miss Nancy’s Bait Camp
(Ed Snyder has been in the hospital and was unable to write this week)
Saturday afternoon the specks started biting which continued overnight, with near limits caught on soft plastics and shrimp during the pre-dawn hours! Here’s a shout out to the following folks: Eddie Morrison of Lumberton and Clint Wagner of Houston caught 7 trout yesterday afternoon using
Rollover Pass Report, July 13 thru July 19, 2015
By Ed Snyder/Outdoors
The heat of summer has split the anglers methods of fishing. Night-shift anglers, who prefer the cool of the evenings, spend PM hours lit up by the generator’s rhythm casting nocturnal waters for trout; while day-shift anglers prefer the heat of a summers day under makeshift shade fishing for whatever will bite. Yet others will immerse themselves
Rollover Pass Report, July 6 thru July 12, 2015
By Ed Snyder/Outdoors
Night-Time is fast becoming the Right Time for speck fishing as the growl of generators light up the sky marking the pass for those who enjoy. Day Time activity has been paying off for trout and flounder anglers as well. Croaker are moving into the pass for you croaker fanciers, but are mostly hand-sized fish. Drum are still an active item as well as
Rollover Pass Report, June 29 thru July 5, 2015
By Ed Snyder/Outdoors
BAD BEGINNING BUT GREAT FINISH on Rollover this past week. TS Bill put the kabash the first part of this week, but immediately after, the specks turned on AND STAYED ON on the Gulf side of the bridge. OH, there was a slow down or two but as of this writing the trout action is back on. Flounder also took front seat on the action near the bridge
Rollover Pass Report, June 22 thru June 28, 2015
By Ed Snyder/Outdoors
After TS Bill left its watery mark on our fishing area and later the winds ebbed, the Speckled Trout came out to play. A short week provided some excellent trout action for anglers fishing near the bridge as well as near the surf. Flounder also made a good showing with many nice flatfish landed, including a 3.5 and a 6.12 lb flounder. The 6.12 was